I have never quite understood why all the English speaking countries recognize "Boxing Day" with the exception of the United States.
Boxing Day is a bank or public holiday that occurs on 26 December, or the first or second weekday after Christmas Day, depending on national laws. It is observed in Australia, Austria, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and in some Commonwealth nations that have a mainly Christian population. In South Africa the public holiday 26 December is called Day of Goodwill, in Ireland St Stephen's Day or Lá an Dreoilín, and in continental European countries the "Second Christmas Day."For this Brit December 26th is Boxing Day no matter where I am.
I woke up to some serious ice this morning, and it's been difficult getting my body warmed up. I physically hurt so much. Yet my noon the weather had turned simply gorgeous, but quickly turned bitter cold again by 3.30pm. Trying to keep my feet warm has been impossible today. I felt as though I was walking on two solid ice blocks.
With 2010 almost behind me my mind has turned to my attempts to get into a home in 2011... in one of the worst recessions I have ever seen.
John Boyd never contacted me again about working on the house trailer,and neither have I contacted him. Jesse never contacted me as he had promised. So now I'm having to face a dilapidated house trailer not knowing how much damage has been done by rain and snow since CID shut the construction down.
For over 3 years it has felt like four steps forward and ten steps back just trying to get into a home having already paid for a home.
The New Mexico Construction Industries Division permits for the trailer repair didn't even arrive until the 29th of November... weeks after all the help I had to repair the trailer had disappeared. Prayerfully the welder will still be available. If he isn't I have no idea what I will do. I couldn't deny that I am so worried, and so scared.
I found an electric pole in, of all places, Deming. But how to bring a 30ft pole that distance is beyond me. And I need two, not one.
Praying that the cold snap will ease up and I can find a little help to forge forward in an early start.
"Lo! now the direful monster, whose skin clings
To his strong bones, strides o'er the groaning rocks:
He withers all in silence, and his hand
Unclothes the earth, and freezes up frail life."
- William Blake, Poetical Sketches -Winter, 1783