35 plus years ago I met Jim Henson on a train leaving London, England. He was the only human being carrying a surf board on the train so he somewhat stuck out like a sore thumb. I sat next to him, totally unaware of whom he was, and we sat chatting until he got off the train near Oxford. A surf board in the middle of London is a guaranteed conversation starter. He was one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure to meet, and in the past week I have thought about him and that daft surf board time and time again.
The more I try the more insulting and surreal it becomes.
Am I REALLY in America?
I am so convinced that one day Jim Henson and the entire cast of the "Muppets" will appear in our courtrooms that I obtained the phone number for the Saturday Night Live program with a wonderful skit idea. You just can't make this stuff up.
We have an absolute gold mine of material right here within the American judicial system that it would be a crime - no pun intended - to waste it.
The probation office set the monthly payments at $450+ per month. On the 2nd of July I received $120 from Huckins via the NM probation office for the month of JUNE.
Did I say that the payments had been set at $450+ per month? And where they not to be on time? Well, yes, but perhaps they didn't MEAN it.
The arrival of the $120 almost had me in tears. How can America, in good conscience, claim to go into other nations to take democracy, freedom, justice when it is TOTALLY INCAPABLE of establishing such on American soil?
I sent a letter to the judge, legislators and the press.
To all concerned: On Friday July 02 I received a check from the probation office for the sum of $120. I will be returning that money, un-cashed, back to the court on July 12th. Several weeks ago my oldest daughter was told that the monthly payment amount had been set at $450+ per month. Even THAT amount would not have helped my mother and I obtain the home SHE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. July the 4th is my mothers birthday. I have not seen her in 3 years, and she has been unable to see her daughter, grand-children and great grandchildren. Her ONLY remaining family members during that time period. I have heard enough stupidity about how easily our predicament can be resolved.. As long as you disregard an elderly British woman who has had her money stolen by an American. Homelessness, careers, family .. All the TRIVIAL things according to those within the American judicial system. Of course those are the very same factors the judicial system gives Huckins protection from losing. In August 2008 Governor Bill Richardson sent in white collar criminal investigator John Barnes to demand that my mothers money be returned. DAYS prior to his scheduled arrival ... EIGHT months AFTER I started begging that the judicial system to protect my mothers money... Huckins walked out of the bank with $110,000 in CASH. In October 2008 Huckins sat in jail on 100k CASH ONLY bond for almost 7 weeks. He sat in jail knowing that he didn't have to reveal the $110,000 he walked out of the bank with, $82,200,00 of which was MY MOTHERS MONEY. He sat patiently knowing that it was but a matter of time before another judge would feel sorry for him, assume that he didn't have any money, and would let him walk out of jail. And that is EXACTLY what happened. Today he made a plea bargain with Judge Ritter of the 12th District court, and he did so KNOWING that the words "expedient return of the money" held no power. No sooner had he sat in ONE sentencing and restoration hearing promising to return the money WITH EXPEDIENCE ( and remember he was tape recorded giving the exact same promise - return my mothers money within THIRTY DAYS - in August, 2008, by three members of the white collar crime division) than he walked into the probation office and said that HE COULDN'T PAY THE MONEY? My question is, Why accept a plea bargain if you don't intend to pay the money? WHO was the person who even suggested that Huckins should return to the construction industry making cabinets and doors in his shop? ISN"T THAT THE WAY SOME WOMEN LOST THEIR MONEY? I am going to be at the court hearing on the 12th and 30th of July. I would like the plea bargain to be dismissed and the jail sentence acted upon. It's time to stop this mental terrorism and torment of the victims and demand that the penalty be paid. PUT THIS MAN IN JAIL! Failing that I am pitching a tent, BECAUSE I AM HOMELESS, outside the courthouse! Respectfully ~Denise Bundy~ | ||
The real insult is that employee's at Wal-Mart had told me that Huckins is spending MORE than that amount per month buying donuts for his co-workers, and cigarettes. We wouldn't want the courts to deprive a convicted felon of his donut fix would we?
"Why do we always come here
I guess we'll never know
It's like a kind of torture
To have to watch the show
And now let's get things started Why don't you get things started
It's time to get things started
On the most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational
This is what we call the Muppet Show
"Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending"
- Jim Henson