I had to head to Western Auto to get an oil change and winterize the truck very early. In fact I ended up arriving at 8.30 am thinking that I had a 9. am appointment. The appointment was for 9.30am, not 9 am. So it turned out that I was an entire hour early.

I still have not found a stock trailer to transport the mare from Ruidoso Downs to Nogal, but I did arrange for Joe to go and fit new tires on the stock trailer in Nogal.
The day was simply gorgeous. 65 degree's, sunny and a light wind. No-one could have asked for a nicer day. It made it possible for me to get a lot of work done, and count my blessings that the cold front forecast isn't quite as bad as expected....
I better not talk too soon, tomorrow snow is forecast. In the name of humanity... WHY is this being allowed?

Please contribute to them this holiday season.
Joy Junction is a place of refuge to those who have been forced into the streets. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to helping homeless men, women, children, and families in Albuquerque by providing food, clothing, shelter, and safety. Our faith-based church ministry that serves about 300 individuals including approximately 80 children, every day. Each year we are able to serve over 100,000 meals thanks to the generous contributions of citizens and businesses throughout the city—we could not have such a positive impact on our community without you!
We Provide a Hand Up, Not a Handout
At some point, almost everyone needs a hand up in life for one reason or another. Whether this is from family, friends, or strangers, the assistance is always greatly appreciated. Joy Junction wants to be the Hand Up for the homeless in Albuquerque. We don’t consider our charity actions a handout; we give people the Hand Up they need—mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually—to return to employment and mainstream society.
Your Help Makes a Difference
Because Joy Junction is a donations-only Albuquerque charity organization, we receive no federal, state, or local governmental funding. Your gifts help thousands of people in need of a little help by providing them with hope and better future.
We invite you, if you are willing and able, to join our outreach ministry by donating to our organization. Joy Junction accepts any and every contribution including:
- Food
- Clothing
- Household items
- Hygiene products
- Money
- Cars
- Furniture
- Linens/Bedding
- Appliances
- Web Site url: http://www.joyjunction.org/

I want to see my mum again, and as each day passes the chance of my ever seeing her again decreases. I want to be a mother with stability, not left homeless in dire straits. These are terrible economic times but your son, cousin, brother knew that he was stealing from people who had no other resources. That his actions would be total destruction for the victims.
Because of Robert Huckins I ended up paying $140,000 to be homeless.. sat in the cold, emotionally, physically and financially broke. In the middle of a recession, with no way to recover the stolen funds.
Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.
I am simply begging for the return of our stolen building fund. I am begging as I have never begged anyone in my life before. He should have never been allowed to destroy Dorothy and so many other women. Please don't let him destroy my family. Please...