With everything within my ability I decided to try find any hope, any optimism, anything to cling onto which may lead me to believe that getting into a home is going to be do-able and getting a reliable truck is going to be do-able.
To not falter even when I get so depressed about the status quo.
The weather did another amazing turn-around and it was well into the 60's today. The snow melted and the bitter cold wind calmed and it turned into a gloriously warm sunny day. Having picked up my ailing Ford350 Powerstroke yesterday afternoon with my daughter I started to clean it and had to laugh at my attempts to make a bad situation look better.. well, if not better maybe a whole lot cleaner.
Everywhere I turn the major topic of conversation is the economy.
Those friends who were millionaires when Robert Huckins stole our building fund are now putting reverse mortgages on their property to get by on. I don't think that I have ever seen this level of desperation in my lifetime. Long time friends in the horse industry are considering selling up and leaving this area. I have gone through some nasty recessions but this one is by far so much different and I wonder if the economy is on the verge of total collapse.
A friend in the TB industry from the East Coast wrote to me and was worried that he had not heard from me and had not received a response when he questioned how I was. I didn't want to respond fearing that I would spoil his holidays. He had so hoped that with 2 builders I would be in a home by now. But that hasn't materialized.
never worry about sharing or venting with me......I understand the future looks bleak...but as you say it's looking bleak for just about everybody....... just keep your wits. Don't let them break your will down. There are only 2 options give up or persevere.....there is still always a chance for future happiness....
These are strange times. I often question why God hasn't opened doors for me in the past 3 years. Why HE hasn't forced Robert Huckins to reveal where he and Sylvi hid our money. And, when things go from bad to worse I question why HE doesn't smite the buggers.
But I know that His way isn't my way and for today He calmed the storm within me, and gave us some nice warm weather, for which I am blessed.
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. ~David Brinkley