The weather forecast is predicting that we will back to warmer weather by Monday. Hopefully so.

Waking up to a few inches of snow was a bitter-sweet experience and I wasn't too sure of I should be thrilled for the ski resort or mortified for myself.
Yesterday afternoon my oldest daughter phoned and told me that the money order from Robert Huckins had arrived. Decembers payment arriving the 16th? He's certainly paying on a more regular schedule. Maybe he found the stash of money he's been hiding and one of these days he'll be so overcome with remorse and repentance he'll send me the $79,000 and just go away.
That post would be titled, "A Miracle."
Meanwhile the State of New Mexico Corrections Department gave me a summary of what he still owes.
After deducting this money order for $456.66 he now has a balance due that he owes me of $79,003.38.
There again, he has a home and his life goes on without a care in the world.