With all Christmas presents taken care of my daughters and I gave a HUGE sigh of relief. The only pressing thing I now have to do in the next four days is try to get flowers to my mother before Christmas Day, in a country that has almost come to a standstill due to the snowstorms, and pay my truck insurance.
My heart is in my stomach with stress and worry.
The roping horse my boss purchased was sent to Tulerosa - which was an absolute blessing. Had it come here I would have had to move so much more of my property out of the feed room just to get hay inside.
All of the race horses were liquidated and at least two of them went to Tulerosa to be re-trained as roping horses.
I can't believe the difference 3 years has made.
3-4 years ago the horse industry was rockin n' rollin though we kept getting that awful feeling that a full blown recession was on the horizon. Still, money was changing hands and even those of us who speculated that we were in for a rough time didn't have enough information to know for sure.
How much different life and my future would have been had Robert & Sylvi Huckins not stolen the building fund. How much easier it would have been to weather this hard hitting financial storm.
Jan and I sat at the Lazy J discussing the financial instability. Looking back at the many factors in life that can make and break you. I'll have to admit that through my pain and hardship, heartache, I have had the opportunity to help some I wouldn't have been able to help had I been in a home with creature comforts.
Maybe that is a cold hard truth. Helping others go through hardships may be our lot in life. Life gets very confusing sometimes.
It comes every year and will go on forever. And along with Christmas belong the keepsakes and the customs. Those humble, everyday things a mother clings to, and ponders, like Mary in the secret spaces of her heart." ~ Marjorie Holmes