Yesterday was such a productive pain free day. And one of those days when you can't help but have a small amount of hope.
I managed to plant the tomatoes, and finish planting peppers as the temperature went into the 70's. Do some shopping for my boss before the race week-end arrives. It was one of those days when I felt almost back to normal, as I was 3 years ago.
I have to get back to the single-wide and barn, I can't believe that it's the 5th month of 2011. I have less than 20 weeks - weather permitting - to get this renovation completed if I am not going to face another winter in a cold dirty garden shed. Please God, if it's your will open some doors, send me the help I need. I can't handle another winter here.
This week-end is the Kentucky Derby, and the racetrack at Ruidoso Downs already has trainers and horses in the barns. Summer is here.. and I am so ready to get MY life and family back...