Sometimes life can become so confusing and messy you wonder if there is a way to get it all sorted out. This world is changing and not for the better.
Having spent the last week marketing horses a potential buyer from Santa Fe was scheduled to arrive to view 3 horses at the Lazy J. So Jan spent hours bathing and show fitting the three horses. The woman never arrived. It seems that she went to El Paso instead - not bothering to contact the Lazy J until after the fact. I felt pitifully sorry.
At one time people simply didn't behave this way. There was an element of civil politeness in our society, and those who were raised correctly would never have thought of being so rude. There used to be a caring. But it seems that it all became extinct.
Yesterday I managed to get the time to watch my 6th grade grand-daughter participate in a Fiesta Spanish dance exhibition with the Ruidoso team before coming back to the shed terribly ill. So ill I fell asleep before nightfall.
The wind, often 50 mph gusts, beating against this shed woke me up in the middle of the night. All the cucumber & chili plants I purchased in Alamogordo yesterday have no doubt taken a beating while I slept.
My youngest daughter, suffering from MRSA, has now had a "Red Man's Syndrome" reaction and with the medical bills soaring sky high, and her health declining, I am starting to get terribly worried.
Tomorrow Robert Huckins has to make the $450 payment to keep himself out of jail for 27 years. It's been years since I hired Robert Huckins to build a home. In that period I have seen less than $3,000 returned.
Left homeless in an economy that is turning upside down, a deepening depression rocking even those in stable positions, the damages I have sustained are immeasurable .. death, destruction, health problems. Unable to see my mother, unable to get my life back together, unable to help family members in dire straits.
I keep looking at Robert Huckins and I am spitting blood in frustration. At Lawrence Bros. he was happily waving at people, happy as a lark. An employee at Wal-Mart said, "He just jokes around with people, buys donuts for co-workers, doesn't have a care in the world. It is awful that there is no-one to make him do right."
Robert and Sylvi Huckins have OUR HOME in Their possession!
Robert and Sylvi Huckins have a home that is protected by the courts no less.
Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, cousin to Robert Huckins, was kind enough to give me a wonderful written reference for Robert Huckins. Dr. Ogilvie has TWO homes. A full time residence and a week-end home in Ruidoso.
Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins, Robert Huckins mother, was present when I signed contract hiring Robert Huckins to build a home. She has a home.
I don't see anyone in this family homeless!
This morning I had to go to Becky Washburns (DVM) having made the appointment last week to be there today with my bosses new dog, Jax. But I was so exhausted and frustrated I would have preferred to not face the world. I'd like to sleep and cannot deny otherwise. May 9th, and still not one foot further forward. I am so tired.
But I did go to Becky's and found only TWO people inside her clinic. Robert & Sylvi Huckins. Robert Huckins saw me as I walked through the door, but Sylvi had her back towards me and was animatedly speaking to Becky. Sylvi never turned around for 10 minutes or more.
It's amazing how one person see's what another person may miss. The criminal investigators in the 12th district said that Sylvi, a native of Belgium, couldn't speak English. Because she only speaks English when it's convenient to speak English.
Today it was very convenient and I stood less than 6 feet behind her, listening to her very clearly communicated with Becky using the English language.
You could have heard a pin drop other than Sylvi talking.
Expecting these folks to have a conscience is a waste of time.. but I want to know why this man isn't in jail. I'd like to know why there wasn't an attempt to deport Sylvi. As Sylvi left she looked me right in the face and laughed, and Robert, arrogant as ever, paid Becky the money owed and walked out with a smile on his face.
I look at what poor Dorothy McKeever went through and I am simply walking in her footsteps, step by step.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone. ~ Audrey Hepburn