There are times when I love nothing more than to just sleep. I can leave a nightmare behind that I have no control over, and simply drift off into peaceful ignorance. Turn life completely off.
Then there are nights like last night when life becomes a 3D Steven King movie that you can't find relief from. By nightfall the temperature had dropped and the air became so damp that my arthritis started to hurt in seriousness. I took enough pain medication to get me through the night, and fell asleep.
Even in my sleep I went from nightmare to nightmare as though I was going from room to room in a house going to different levels of panic and anxiety.
An hour later I woke up with a tsunami of a migraine. I woke up so violently ill I couldn't even move my legs to get out of bed. Going from the nightmare with my eyes closed to the nightmare half awake intensified the pain as I started to realize that I was in a shed, not a home.
From January to July, the year Robert Huckins stole our building fund, I went from having Auburn hair to being gray. Almost white headed.
But I can dye my hair. What I cannot do is replace my mother, or come to the point where I count the past four years of not being able to see her as a mere hiccup. Nor can I come up with the finances to replace a stolen home. And the stress of trying to is slowly killing me.