23 degree's this morning but fabulous weather forecast for later today. The pneumonia that has plagued me is easing up a bit. At least I can speak more clearly than I have been able to in a long time.
With everything "back on track" I am anxious to get working on this house and barn without any undue delays. I know that getting into a home by Christmas is no longer possible. I have sung the song, "I'll be home by Christmas" for 3 winters and this 4th winter is not going to see it materialize.
But, I may be home by spring if we can just get enough help and no more boulders roll into the path.
I told Jesse that if he can get around to helping me, I will get out of the way and let him put the roof on the trailer he wants to put on. The correct "house roof" one would put on a framed house. It means somehow trying to come up with the 70 2x6's instead of using the pipe and sheet metal. But God is going to have to find a way to meet that need.
John said that he will come back and help.. perhaps he will. If he did it certainly would be a blessing. We could use the pipe I purchased weeks ago to put a roof over the horse barn.
I would appreciate all prayers. This has been a really a stressful roller coaster ride but I know that God can straighten this path and smooth the way. We have had way too many hurdles and it's been exhausting, expensive & delaying. I am so grateful for those who became involved because they truly wanted to help..
Jesse Gordiola actually built my barn, and did an awesome job. In fact he is the only licensed subcontractor who worked for Robert Huckins on my land. Both John and Jesse are victims of Robert Huckins. Both were paid for their work with hot checks and the monies never recovered.
No charges were brought against Robert Huckins even though the amounts of monies Jesse and John lost would have been felony charges. These were not small amounts of money by any stretch of the imagination.