I can hardly believe that this is the last week of October. What a totally insane 3+ years this has been. I'm unsure that I can even face another one. Come quickly Jesus - please.
I spent hours last night STILL trying to find the new construction industries division laws pertaining to mobile homes without any success. But the more I read on the New Mexico web site the more I wondered if this was a new Federal, not State, law. Perhaps something to do with HUD?
At least it's the right time of year to be trying to plow through government regulations .. the time of the witches and warlocks, zombies, ghosts and "horror shows."
The longer I tried to download pdf files the more ill I became, and the pneumonia just keeps sending my body from raging fever to freezing cold. By the time I had finished I had a migraine that remained with me all night.
Yesterday the Thoroughbred Times e-mailed me to see what stallions and facilities I wanted included in the 2011 stallion directory.
So many stallions brought in from Kentucky 4 years ago have been gelded in the past 12 months - due to this shocking economy.
But that gave me the opportunity to phone Jan and see if anyone had been hired to take a backhoe and straighten out the mess in my barn, before I lose the entire structure.
They hadn't, so I guess all the dirt is going to have to be put back over the footings by hand.
Joy, oh, joy.
My boss said that Nosker may have utility poles. I will phone Dennis today and see if he has two poles so I can get the electricity working.
I have given up on John, and Jesse may have given up on me. Trying to get this CID mess sorted out is an absolute nightmare and I have no idea how to handle it or resolve it.
Some friends keep telling me to finish the trailer no matter what, protect my investment. But where would I find the people to help? I wouldn't ask Jesse to work in direct disobedience to a CID ruling. I have always adhered to laws closely and rarely will I deliberately set out to break a law, outside of going over the speed limit.
But this sure has been tempting.
I get angry enough to make the decision to dry in that trailer with a "to hell with them" attitude, but after calming down I really don't have the taste for breaking laws and would prefer not to have to do so.
A phone call to an Albuquerque mobile home dealer yesterday brought forth another possible way to resolve the situation. The gentleman said that I could throw it back onto axles and wheels and it was no longer "real" property. It was no longer under CID jurisdiction because it was now classified as a "moving vehicle."
I'm a woman alone. I can't even find utility poles let alone trailer axles. I can't even get anyone to get that dirt back onto the footings of the barn let alone put a trailer back onto axles and wheels. "Throw" it back onto axles seems so simplistic doesn't it?
This all seems so bloody un-necessary, and so malevolent.
At 3.30 pm I received word from CID in Santa Fe that I could commence renovating the trailer - with no problems. I need to apply for permits, so they can inspect it as it is being rebuilt, which is understandable. I am just delighted, but ??????? was I shut down for 4+ weeks?
What happened to the laws that the inspector quoted who red tagged me?
Perhaps I should be curious but I am really not.. I just thank God that the green light has been given and work can continue...