John say's that he is coming to start on the renovations Monday having been forced to take accrued vacation time from his place of employment. I am soooo thankful.
There is so much to do and so little finances. The $450 per month restitution the courts are making Robert Huckins pay would be almost laughable if not for the stark reality that victims like Dorothy McKeever, John Boyd, Jesse Gordiola and so many more received not a dime in restitution.

I phoned Nosker to see if he had utility poles. He did, for $90 each, but they were not set up for electricity. They were simply the bare poles. I can't afford to pay the price Foxworth is asking for the set up poles, nor hire an electrician at this point in time, so I have hit a brick wall getting the electricity turned on until I can come up with the $3,000+ funds.
Without electricity we can't get the well pumping water and it makes everything extra difficult.
Having spoken to the head of the mobile home division of CID I am waiting for the permit application to be e-mailed to me.
I have enough money for Jesse to get the 70 2x6's, but nothing left over. So our focus has gone onto the leaking windows of the trailer. Getting the new (used) windows in. Pouring the concrete footings for the barn roof, which will take 50-60 bags of ready mix concrete. Prayerfully I can find the funds to cover that purchase and get that concrete poured and set before it starts to freeze.
Having been delayed for weeks I want to hit the ground running and get this property finished and livable, but the finances demand a walking pace...
I still need to find a glass patio door, a bathroom suite, (bath/shower and toilet) and a load of 4x4's to hang gates on and I need kitchen cabinets. I need tons of sheet rock, plaster, tiles, paint and so much more.
Up until now I have used Craigslist to find used material and supplies, and have been very successful ... but I'm unsure if I want to do that anymore. I will certainly not put MY phone number on any ad. again.
Those who use Craigslist on a regular basis know that the computer system is designed to accept an ad. only if you place a denomination in. When you have an entire list of items that you need to purchase instead of having items for sale, that can be very difficult. So you simply place a 1 so that a denomination is recognized by the Craigslist system, and your ad. is accepted.
The last ad. I placed was on September 16th, well over a month ago. I placed it on the Roswell, New Mexico, Craigslist and during the first week sellers had contacted me with items that I needed. In fact I purchased everything I needed with the exception of the two utility poles that I needed to get the electricity to the property. The pressure tank was a wonderful find, that came from that ad.
After purchasing the items I forgot all about the ad.
Two days ago the "backhoe" woman found the old ad. and I received a spitting venom e-mail telling me that I needed to re-write the ad because no-one was going to respond.
This is way beyond obsession, way beyond bullying or demeaning.
It's really worn me down throughout the past year or so for so much of the behavior and actions have ripped into my heart. It has caused such serious damage and so much chaos.
Someone perpetually kicking at you and causing drama when you are in such a bad situation is hard to take.
But this instance brought a smile to my face.
I have a golden rule that I never respond to anyone until I am calm and polite, least I say hateful things out of frustration. That is in person, or in written form. I try not to open my mouth unless I have an understanding forgiving heart, and I will walk the opposite direction from someone if I think my words are going to be said in anger.
This past 3 years has REALLY tested me and quite a few times I have had to walk away and beat my head up against a wall to stop from reacting to viciousness with viciousness, frustration with frustration, anger with anger..
So I got my wits together and sent a very polite and very simplistic "thank you" e-mail back from the e-mail address I used to post the ad. The next morning I checked that particular e-mail address and, upon re-reading my response, I realized that I had set up that account in a false name because I continually use it for advertising on-line for my boss.
I wonder what it felt like getting an e-mail from a total stranger, whose name you don't recognize, thanking you for an e-mail that was ( as usual ) critical, condemning and sarcastic with the intent to bully?
What I wouldn't have given to be a fly on the wall..