Fun, fun, fun.
Yesterday it became fairly apparent that trying to get a CID homeowners renovation permit was neither going to be easy, nor expedient. Every route was leading to a brick wall. But hope had certainly not faded - and anger was becoming a motivating factor.
I am still trying to find the new written law without any success. Without adequate internet connection searches become difficult.
Not being able to actually read the law I am having to assume that what I am being told by various government agencies is correct.
This particular bill seems to mean that owners of land, who use a mobile home as a "starter" home can no longer do any renovations or modifications to that property unless they hire an engineer and licensed contractor who specializes in mobile homes.

Unless you can afford the expense of an engineer and licensed contractor, and apply for "permits" for every single thing done. It's my understanding that the "permit" to build a roof is a totally different "permit" than that to replace the windows.
In a time of serious recession when home foreclosures are at an all time high this legislative move seems almost asinine.
For myself, mid-construction and desperately trying to get into the house by winter, desperately trying to get a new roof over the trailer to protect my investment from the elements it's tantamount to telling me that I cannot have a home on land I own - free and clear - because I cannot afford to hire a licensed contractor who has a mobile home license.
I know of NO contractor who is going to run out and obtain a special mobile home license. I know a LOT of contractors who will simply refuse to work on mobile homes.
When I started this project out of absolute necessity due to an inept judicial system it was with the very best building material available.. no corners were cut. You look at it and know that this has not been inexpensive.
But the new law is nothing above and beyond extortion.
Extortion during a recession is cruel and inhumane.
During a lengthy conversation with a loan institute yesterday I was told that the bill was promoted by the lobby groups for the mortgage/loan institutions but I can find nothing to verify that fact. His explanation sounded very plausible.
Far more plausible than the "it's for your protection" excuse that CID give while I sit freezing cold, watching everything get waterlogged forbidden by CID to protect my home, while we are watching the "Crossing" and a new mall collapse and show such serious building defects under CID guidance. Can you hear me singing "don't it make my brown eyes blue?"
In 2010 I PAID the State of New Mexico Construction Industries Division for the "right" to put plumbing in the barn. I PAID them for the right to dry in the barn. I PAID them for the right to put a roof on the barn. In previous years I PAID them for the right to have a water well, a septic, and electricity.
How MANY times do I have to PAY the State of New Mexico Construction Industries Division when it becomes clearly evident that this course of action has been the result of criminal activity not design?
I can see that this is going to be an uphill battle. No more and no less than the uphill battle I had trying to get any law enforcement agency to protect clients of Robert Huckins. Trying to get those paid to protect and serve to actually protect and serve.
Or the uphill battle I had trying to get the DA in the 12th District to file criminal charges when those paid to protect and serve simply stood twiddling their thumbs when Robert Huckins walked into the bank, withdrew $115,000 and was given the opportunity to walk away only to hide my mothers money even though he had been arrested twice for felony fraud & embezzlement and was due to be arrested for the third time.
Or the battle just trying to get this case through the court system.
I'm tired of uphill battles. I am so exhausted and this is so demoralizing.
The State of New Mexico is so wrong on so many levels that it makes a total mockery of the phrase, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."