It is simply beautiful weather, but the menacing thunder can be heard in the distance. I have still not heard from the engineer, or state, and don't know what to do about the trailer. I can't just sit here with thousands of dollars in building & renovation supplies sat in a trailer that isn't waterproof and time is simply flying by.
I got a phone call Monday night from the Lazy J, and Becky Washburn DVM got on the phone and said that Franie had gone into colic, twisted and was dying, and there was nothing anyone could do to save her. I asked Becky to euthanize.
I really didn't have the emotional investment in Franie that I normally have with my animals, especially not horses like Kontiki and Isaiah. Certainly not like Oscar.
She was somewhat of a rescue, a past western pleasure show horse from Michigan, and a terror to handle and ride.
She was the only horse I have ever met who literally hated human beings with a passion and there was no amount of handling going to change her mind. She would curl her nose up, draw her ears back and whip her rear end around each and every time a human approached her.
That hate made me terrified to let go of her. A difficult horse doesn't have much hope in this area, a difficult "mare" in gelding territory has double jeopardy. And a horse born in 1992 is too old a horse for anyone to even accept as a rescue if she is dangerous or difficult.
So having tried to find a home without success I kept her, promising to give her the best care and management, allowing her to run in a 60 acre pasture for the rest of her life. Nothing more than a pasture ornament living the life of Riley.
Everyone tried to convince me to get rid of her, send her to the auction even knowing that she would be heading to slaughter in Mexico. But I was determined to see it out unto the end and guarantee her a safe haven.
I shouldn't be sad, but I am. There really isn't anything to be sad when you lose a horse nearing it's 20th birthday, who has spent the last few years living a life of luxury and freedom.
Maybe it's the combination of everything.. no more losses please.
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa