Seeing that today was a holiday my boss told me to do "nothing." Which isn't a bad idea seeing as this damp cold weather has settled in my limbs & lungs and I feel simply awful.
I still have not heard from John, nor the engineer so everything is in "hurry up and wait" status. The weather is amazingly nice after all of the wet weather, but it still didn't get over 67 degrees - which isn't bad for October.
I can't believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are so close, and I'm so far away from finishing this home.
I went to Walmart to buy a phone card for my cell phone before it is due to expire sometime this afternoon.
There I bumped into friends of 20 years or so and we spoke about the house trailer, CID, the absolute insanity of the American government on so many levels. The illusion of "life, liberty & pursuit of happiness" that is certainly not available in the United States, ask any victim of crime to verify that fact. The recent 'special election" supporting Hubbard & Allred and the ministry woes of finding the missing money, some of whom are saying is $100,000 - rightly or wrongly. That figure certainly has not been verified but it appears that the money has been found and is intact.
While listening to the dilemma with the lack of help, then the Construction Industries Division complicating matters and delaying what already seems like an insurmountable problem Deanna suggested that she could write a cartoon series titled, "Between a rock & a hard place."
I was okay until they asked how my mum was, and that dug so deep into my heart I was having a hard time retaining a smile on my face.
By 5 pm John returned the multiple calls I had made to him. After a week-end of partying at the Cowboy Symposium he said he was in a taxi cab heading to the Houston, Texas airport and flying to Argentina.
You just couldn't make any of this up if you tried... this is so far past fiction it is right in the middle of fantasy.
I guess it was pointless asking if he had the welder with him so we could get the barn roof up.
A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi -A precipice in front, wolves behind