Yesterday I spent the day in El Paso waiting to pick up the miniature Schnauzer for my boss at the airport. I am ill equipped for cities and large towns and getting lost in a concrete jungle terrified of the fast moving 6 lane highways seems to be my "norm."
I simply abhor concrete, asphalt and crowds. Give me dirt roads and mountains and I am as happy as I can be just watching for for deer, elk and bear.
I got back at 8.30 pm simply exhausted, my hips hurting and fell fast asleep.
Today the weather was so fabulous I desperately wanted to get to my property and start working on the barn roof and trailer house, but with no help in sight I couldn't do much good. This is simply beyond frustrating, it's heartbreak that never ends.
On the blog post "Life's Simple Truths" I cut and paste comments to me from someone who claims to be a local politician. Today he's attacking others with the foulest language I have ever heard on Topix and the posters are, rightfully, threatening to him him removed and banned.
The mystery continues as to WHOM he is, yet today he wrote:
Let me guess, mac, you're pushing 70 or so, right? You and your wife are the perfect age, with lots of time on your hands, to take up a cause -- even if it's wrong -- and lead the sheep to slaughter. You can try to push everybody around, but buddy, you don't know just how very wrong you are. FYI, Clinton was not MY president. I worked for his worst enemy in the House of Representatives at the time, a very well-known and well-respected Republican.http://www.topix.net/forum/source/ruidoso-news/TRH7CKGANQUODS8AS/p4
We are supposed to be a conservative community but I have never quite understood that, because conservatives are normally Christians and Christians are called to be Christ-like in words and action. Yet as I read his tyrants against all and sundry it sadly makes sense to me. WHY Ruidoso is the way it is. Lord help us all.
What is really sad is that between the cussing this person who calls himself "Wizard" has a political stand that I agree with 100%. I'm just shocked that any person in a political position, who clearly has a lot of political savvy, would be THIS rude and overbearing to everyone in his path. What a shame.
I have my values, and if you don't like them, well I've got some others. ~Mark Twain