Migraines, migraines, migraines...
For years my mother acquired migraine medication for me and sent it to me, but that stopped after she sold her home and came to buy one here in Lincoln County. It's no longer legal to send medication through the mail - not even over the counter medication.
I never used to get them on a regular basis, but when I did have a migraine it incapacitated me. Today they have come to live in my head and refuse to leave. It seems like a constant battle trying to fight double vision and nauseating migraines. Trying to find just a brief window where I can function before the next bout hits me like a cricket bat alongside the head.
Yesterday I tried to drive my truck out of the yard while it was still plugged in by the electric extension cord. It's almost a surreal feeling when you can't see a bright orange electric cord until it has snapped into two.
While telling my daughter about the fiasco that forced me to buy another $37.00 electric extension cord she said, "That's okay mum, I just drove through mid-town with my brake on. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my car!"
The stress pertaining to finances is reaching a crescendo of desperation for every member of the family. It's as though the whole world is rocking around us. My youngest daughter has to come up with $7,000 for dental surgery and I am frantically wondering where to turn for relief. The recession is putting everyone through hell and I watch feeling so helpless as everyone struggles trying to keep their heads above water.

"Jax" meanwhile is settling in and we are thrilled to pieces with this wee dog who is so well mannered with such a delightful personality. It has been terribly difficult trying to find a companion animal for an 85 yr old who doesn't want to have to train a dog,who doesn't have the skills required to train a dog. And who wanted a miniature Schnauzer to replace his last one, Rexy. When I was told that Jax - then "Ernie" - was only 18 months old my heart went into my stomach fearing that he would be far too young. It turns out that he's far younger than that. He's probably between 9 and 12 months old.
We have no idea what his background is, other than he was found wondering around Alpine, Texas covered in ticks and despite an extensive stay at the animal shelter not one person came forward to claim him.
He's been so well trained that he shakes your hand and listens to every word uttered. Someone really spent a lot of time on this wee one, making sure that he was obedient and well mannered.
He's certainly become a loved and appreciated blessing to an 85 yr old who wanted exactly what Jax is.. blessings can walk in on four legs and... from homelessness. A state of affairs that animals have no more control of than humans do.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly. ~ Richard Bach