Friday, January 21, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Yesterday would have been hilarious if not so frustrating.

I set about with the belief that if I tried to "do" my hair, wear make-up, I'd feel less of a homeless gypsy. But it's difficult to look neat and tidy when you are living in a shed.

Somehow I managed to get the hot rollers into my hair after an exercise in frustration. I couldn't find the nozzle from the setting lotion can no matter how long I scrambled around on the concrete shed floor with a flash light. And after well over an hour I gave up and tried to use a screwdriver to let the "liquid" instead of foam drip from the top of the can.

My hair set like concrete.

Trying to brush it out using the rear view mirror in the truck sent my hair into "shock therapy." By the time I was ready to leave I looked like the female version of Phil Spector.

At the Lazy J Ranch Jan said, "Oh, I DO like your hair that color." It's the same color it's always been, but it's been 3 years since I stopped trying to hide my hair because I can't keep it done while homeless.

But it was nice of her to notice my hair color. *Laugh*

Trying to put make up on in a dark shed proved impossible, which may have been a blessing because had I enough light to try and put make-up on, or had I tried to use a flashlight, I may have emerged looking like CoCo-The-Clown.

It's a good thing that beauty is only skin deep, or I'd be rotten to the core.~ Phyllis Diller

I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? ~ Jean Kerr