While at Wal-Mart buying the gardening supplies my daughter and I yet again bumped into Robert Huckins while he was in the electronic department. There is always an effort to rub salt into the wounds that I have never quite understood. As though stealing a persons home, leaving them homeless, is not quite enough. Making sure that the victims know that you got away with it and life is good, and your life is not in turmoil, must be exhibited each time they see you.
My oldest daughter shook her head in disgust as Huckins laughed and joked looking at the big screen tv's and said, "Well, he can't buy one of those tv's because he has all that money hidden away - and he can't spend it."
In life we often time we come face to face with a level of evil, a total lack of conscience, that we could never understand in a million years.
Somehow I must find some hope in this mess. The weather is just too perfect to not take advantage of it. My oldest daughter promised to help me in the little ways we can work together as soon a her schedule was set, and she has days off.
We can put the fencing back up. We may even be able to dig the holes and bring in the concrete to put the posts in. But the single wide and barn roof needs someone with building knowledge, and the electricity needs a certified & licensed electrician.
Neither of which I can afford unless Huckins tells us where he hide the money.
This week I have to clear my mind long enough to write the brochures and marketing articles for the trail ride associations and their 2011 events.

When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. ~ W. Clement Stone