Next Tuesday it will be my birthday, and though I have never liked birthdays it's perplexed me how easy it was to forget how old I am. I also know that I am not the only AARP candidate that forgets how old they are. If you ask anyone over 50 their age the majority tend to have to think about it before answering .
I know that I will be one year closer to 60.
And, it just may not be coincidence that MIT introduces the Whirlwind machine on March 8 1955, yet it gets more than a little scary that so many obituaries show the same birth date.
My oldest grandson, still in kindergarten, told me that the animals "love you grandma because they think you are a kid." I'm not too sure if that is a back handed way of saying that I need to grow up.
Trying to focus on the single wide trailer and the barn has got to be my priority for the rest of 2011 for I know that I won't reach another birthday if I can't get into a home, of some kind. But how to find the help I need is simply beyond me.
This winter has been incredibly hard on my body, physically depleting me, and Jan advised me to try some horse supplements for the arthritis and bone tumors. I will happily try anything that makes movement less painful.
The temperature was 61 degree's by 9 am this morning, and 66 degrees by mid-day. Simply awesome weather and I feel so blessed to have survived some serious frigid temperatures. How beautiful it has been this week. But now the stress of trying to get the house and barn done is rising, wondering how I can find the help I need to get a roof over my head without further delays.

As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed.~ Vincent van Gogh