The weather is fabulous today, 67 degree's, sunny - just glorious, so my boss decided to have a horse hauled in for him to ride.
It's so hard explaining to someone in their 80's that you have just come out of frigid winter temperatures, homeless, without creature comforts, that have left you physically incapacitated. That you couldn't saddle a horse, let alone try to look after one at this point in time. That you are simply too ill, seriously ill, to have such a responsibility.
For someone who works with horses this isn't good.
Yesterday I couldn't walk, nor move my arms. From my neck to my feet my body felt that any second it could shut down altogether, each step becoming more and more painful. And the migraine tore my head in two. By late afternoon it became obvious that I wasn't going to make it.. and I was given some heavy duty pain killers. This is the very first time in almost 36 months I can remember going to sleep.. and sleeping peacefully and painlessly the entire night.
It felt so good to just sleep without interruptions, without waking up in pain, unable to get back to sleep.
Perhaps I should take Jan's advice and start to take equine joint supplement and try to regain function. I thought that when the warm weather arrived I would return to normal and be able to do all the normal things.. but I couldn't have been more wrong.
This time in 2009 I had a stable full of horses and had no physical problems at all recovering from a homeless winter, but this past winter beat me up pretty bad.
This is just so frustrating.
The Japanese earthquake has been on the headlines with justification. What a tragedy, a heartbreaking tragedy .. my prayers are with the all of the victims.