Winter seems like a lifetime away, and perhaps the stress and frustration can be blamed on the super moon and has nothing to do with Robert Huckins and trying to get a roof over my head, a home.
The weather is so beautiful I can hardly believe it. We have made one huge leap from frigid temperatures to bright sunny and warm summer like weather. It went from desperately trying to keep warm - to t-shirts and shorts.
After a terribly stressful week with family problems and worries everything worked out and calmed down so today was one so peaceful. It was as though one's soul gives a sigh of relief.
I have two adult daughters and their father has refused to share parental responsibilities since they were small children .. so both turn to me. I have five grand children but I am the only grand-parent who plays an active roll in their lives.
So when financial tensions arise due to medical bills or just life the panic doesn't trickle one direction, everyone gets caught up in it.
It's very difficult for all because everyone is struggling, and I am in dire straits.

The horse that my boss was supposed to acquire 2 weeks ago has still not arrived and he's clearly getting impatient. Under normal circumstances I'd transport the horse ~ but I no longer have a hauling truck.
My income during the past 3 years has literally been 1/3rd of what I would normally earn. I can't train, can't teach, can't stand stallions because I can't get the barn finished. I truly question whether I've suffered such severe health problems through the stress and trying to go through winters in such harsh conditions that I will ever be able to return to my career. Today I felt better than I have in 3 years. Feeling good felt oh, so good - Lord let my health continue to improve.
I started seedlings some weeks ago and I'm impatiently wanting to get them planted in the garden, but as good as I felt today digging is physically beyond me. Hopefully a rotor tiller will be brought in.
Maybe tomorrow something will happen to give me some hope that I can have a home without further delay, something has to happen sometime surely?

Hope springs eternal in the human breast. ~ Alexander Pope