No diagnosis has been made ~ that we are aware of ~on my youngest daughters heart & lungs though she underwent heart biopsies, and an unsuccessful lung biopsy yesterday. Each time I spoke to her she was either going into or coming out of surgery and was sedated. Unable to communicate. But I think it will end up being Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within the organs, for that has been the diagnosis of her infected leg.
If that does become the diagnosis for her heart and lungs it will not be a good prognosis but it will not be lung cancer - thank God.
She is stressed to the maximum and with a lot of justification. I am so thankful that the hospital staff were conscientious enough to admit someone who wasn't covered by insurance, and whose finances have been severely depleted by the recession. The doctor who admitted her is truly an unsung hero.
Where to from now I don't know, and I'm not able to take the situation easily. Four days with virtually no sleep has left me looking like a rag doll left out in the mud and rain, and I suspect that this is going to be a long haul - even though I know so little about MRSA.
Robert & Sylvi Huckins looked me right in the face and told me that "they didn't care about the lives of the victims. " In fact Robert Huckins expanded and said that he "only cared about HIS family."
But I care. I cared deeply about Dorothy and the plight he left her in, and I was furious when the courts told her to return the $200 he had repaid her having stolen almost $100k of her money. And I care about MY family. My mother, my daughters, my grand-children.
I am trying to find those who care about the victims. Robert Huckins came down with pneumonia while in jail ~ not severe ~ and the judge let him go free. Dorothy died trying to get her building fund back. So who was protecting Dorothy?
This man laughs and mocks at his victims, yet he's handled with kid gloves. 27 years in jail suspended and a meager $450 a month restitution is leaving MY family in serious straits. Please God, correct this injustice if no other can or will, and place a hedge of protection around my daughter and her family.