Yesterday I stopped at the bank and couldn't help but ask the cashier, "This is MY life? Really! This is a joke - right?" Sometimes I sit in the shed and wonder if this is a movie I have fallen into.
If there wasn't a full moon out yesterday there should have been. It was a dark comedy of errors the entire day.
My youngest daughter has had an IV, but when her veins collapsed the doctor put in a tube within the veins - a stent. That left her in excruciating pain and no pain killers or anesthetic. For 6 hours the nurse totally ignored her pleas for help until my daughter broke down crying. I happened to phone the hospital asking for help for my daughter during the shift change, and those conversations were no joy. Thankfully the original nurse eventually came back on duty - and my daughter is no longer in that level of pain. But trying to go from nurse, to floor supervisor - then ask for the attending physician was so un-necessary.
The pharmacist wouldn't give me my bosses medication because she didn't like my signature. The same signature I have used for 25 years without event. So having waited for 45 minutes for his medication, while on the phone to the hospital, I left the pharmacy without his medication.
I ordered hot wings at Kentucky Fried Chicken for my boss, only to get an order that I didn't order. I was told that hot wings are no longer sold. Why I wasn't told that before I ordered, paid for and waited 15 minutes is anyone's guess.
My oldest daughter stood in Kentucky Fried Chicken with me and sighed. My boss, frustrated that I had been so long, went to bed without his hot wings or medication. I drove back to the shed with a violent migraine feeling like I had been wrung out to dry.
Thankfully when I checked my youngest daughter at 5 am this morning she had been given a painkiller and her original nurse was back on duty. High winds rattled this shed and I was so cold, but I was so exhausted I slept through the night totally oblivious to the weather. By this morning I was paying for it, the Bassel-Hagens disease has left me so crippled I can barely walk.