Today Robert Huckins returned ALL of the stolen money, I purchased a delightful modular that doesn't need renovation, I hired an electrician and plumber to get the utilities turned on. I will no longer have to winter out in the bitter cold and my mother is coming to visit with her family.
Well, it IS April Fools Day...

Still I'm struggling trying to find a way to renovate the old single-wide and get the roof on the barn. Last night I barely slept for tossing and turning stressing out, deliberating what I have done, and methods I have perhaps missed.
I can't shake the violent migraine that started Wednesday. Today I managed to walk around in a bit of a fog, an exhausted haze. Time is going so fast and winter seems to have never existed though in these mountains we normally have bitter cold - and snow - during Easter.
The mountain air is exhilarating during the spring and summer. Mornings greet you with a soft kindness, an enthusiasm. I doubt that I have ever seen a prettier sight on earth as the daybreak over the Sacramento Mountains.

When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak. ~ Audre Lorde