I finally accepted my oldest daughters invitation to go shopping for school supplies. I managed to hold myself together while walking through the stores, but once sat on the McDonalds patio the gagging reflex started and I could hardly stop myself from vomiting.
It wasn't always this way. Before 2008 I was a teenager in an adults body. I had all the energy. motivation, enthusiasm to overcome all the physical disabilities I was born with. As an only child I was supposed to be looking after my mother in HER old age, not struggling homeless trying to undo the damage one family have caused.
Today I hide. I hide because my nerves are shattered and I can't stop vomiting. Being around people for more than a brief walk into TR's store or Wal-Mart makes the gagging reflect impossible to cover up . I hide because I just don't have the energy to keep a painted smile on my face. I hide because tears roll down my face uncontrollably at the mere mention or thought of my mother - who gave up her home to have one here in Ruidoso with the only members of her family living. I hide because the women who always had a beautifully clean home is sat in a dirty filthy garden shed that is soaked in raw sewage and mold... and I am so ashamed. I live not with my mother, each supporting one another in our later years, but as an animal desperately clawing and scratching any method I can find to get a home on my land and the barn finished.
I was the victim of a man who has an established pattern of victimizing women. True, not all are women, but there is a real pattern of victimizing elderly women. There are dozens of victims whose names have never been published. Amounts stolen that are incompressible. Dorothy died trying to recover her money. Below are words from her daughters:
My mother was a victim of Bob Huckins she worked her whole life to retire in Ruidoso when he cheated her of her dream. He took advantage of her kind heart her trust and she is left with an unfinished home - he walked away with well over 100K. We thought the safety measures were in place the bank 'WAS' to send an inspector for each draw he requested. He would bring an invoice to my mother who is sight impaired and tell her what he had done she would sign and submit to the bank. The bank would send an inspector and release the money to him. Reviewing the paperwork of work he claimed to have completed was fabricated and not even started but there on the bottom of the page was a signature from an inspector - a co-conspirator I can only suspect. She had to return to work in her 70's to pay for other contractors to make the house livable. My stomach turns when I go there and see the hardships she has had to endure and the conditions she has had to live in.****
I hope you get your due Mr. Hutchins - you are a crook. My faith is only in the judicial system that they will successfully convict you and you spend you time behind bars.
I am also disgusted with Mr. Huckins...He left my mother with a half built house as stated by Judy Torres my sister. I blame him and the bank for distributing the monies to him when a full inspection was not completed properly. When I asked the bank for the names of the inspectors I was told they could not disclose that information. I did have a signature but of course could not identify any of the letters. And it seems rather odd when all the monies were distributed to Bob the loan officer at the bank was transferred. My mother sits there with a half built house while he is still running around the town and not behind bars.

I'm trying to take care of my elderly mom who needs 24/7 care + work, etc. We have lost more money than we can afford at this point to help them survive the rest of their life. Every month is tough to meet the bills and we have no state assistance. He left us high and dry and cost us years worth of rent to help take care of my mom's increasing medical costs. I received a letter for creditors to attend the bankruptcy court in Roswell. I attended and was told that due to the bankruptcy they were removing the lien I put on his house. It's totally unfair.- Dana Dildine
All I have ever wanted is the home and barn we bought and paid for. To be able to see my mother enjoying her life with her only living family members. But that isn't Robert Huckins desire. He wants to abuse and make women feel as much pain as he is able. We are the "Invisible Women" that Robert Huckins has left in his wake. The ones so abused through financial rape that we will never see the light of day without help.
From: Denise
Date: 6/17/2008 6:14:34 AM
To: Robert Huckins
Subject: Tuesday... June 17th, 2008.
I think perhaps it's time for us to have a heart to heart talk about this situation and see if we can come to an amicable agreement. I re-read your e-mail sent yesterday and went back through all of the e-mails to February. The common thread running through all is that you don't have the time to build my home or finish my barn.
Today, in June 2008, I am as close to having my own bed, cooking in my own kitchen, as I was in December 2007 when my mothers funds to purchase a home was transferred from England to the United States.
This has been an absolute tragedy.
With the 1600 ft home not yet started and a horse barn that consists of nothing but 4 walls. With a well that has never been used and electricity not yet onto the property the only work of any substance that has been done on that property in two months is the septic system.
And the property has been left in an awful mess.
Bob, you simply do not have the time for this. And you have admitted such in almost every single e-mail.
In the past few weeks I have had three real estate agents view the property and tell me what the market value was while we tried to figure out what my losses were going to be if you did not adhere to the contract. Each one could not put a market value price above 40k for property I paid 30k for 6 months ago. The cost of the septic was not included in that estimate. Seeing as you will not tell me what the septic cost or who put it inI have no idea what the added value is. I do know that the well is a shallow well and that was not costly at all.
The barn, because it needed so much work and has NO building permits, was seen as a liability not an asset.
If the schedule that you gave me isn't going to be possible I think we should take a deep breath and negotiate what we can do to secure some relief.
There should be a substantial amount remaining in the building fund I had sent to purchase a home. A SUBSTANTIAL amount.
If it is enough to build a 1600 sq ft home then it certainly is enough for me to buy a nice modular and get it moved onto the property. If there is enough for you to finish the barn there is enough for me to finish the barn.
The difference is, if I purchase a modular and get friends and family to help I can be in a home within 4 weeks - a home with water & electricity instead of my sleeping in the cab of my truck wondering when my home will be finished.
You and Sylvi need to discuss this and give serious consideration to accepting my offer. I would relinquish the contract and walk away without a murmur or without any desire to speak about this situation ever again IF a SUBSTANTIAL amount of my money is returned to me.
We could then go about our business and see to the priorities we have. For myself that is getting myself into a home as quickly as possible, getting back to work and being able to see my mother.
His response?
"No, I will not return any monies, besides you were homeless when I met you - what's the difference?" The refusal to return my mothers money said by BOTH Sylvi & Robert Huckins!
A few weeks later the White Collar crime Investigators for the State of New Mexico were sent to Ruidoso on behalf of Governor Bill Richardson and Robert Huckins was given 30 days to return our building fund. In a recorded interview he said that he didn't need 30 days to return the money. He could give it back before and was willing to give it back before the 30 day period elapsed.
But days before he was arrested for stealing our building fund, having refused to return the money within the specified 30 day period, bank records show that Robert Huckins walked out of the Wells Fargo Bank on Sudderth with $110,000 in cash. That money disappeared into thin air, and another Invisible Woman was born.
Nothing more than an abusive cat and mouse game. But playing with the lives of women who have no other resources, deliberately destroying ... and I would like to know whom is protecting him?
Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, Michael Huckins, Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins ( Diana Huckins? Dominic Huckins? Malcolm Huckins? ) I don't know whom in your family can motivate Robert Huckins to return our stolen building fund, but I pray that someone can make him return it. I'm exhausted, and so ill. I miss my mum, I want my career back. I am in despair. I want to sleep exactly like you all do.. in a clean house with furniture. I can't emotionally or physically handle anymore of this abuse and I am begging you to please get the money we had for our home back. I am begging as I have never begged before because I know that you may be my last hope.