Today brought answered prayer... more rain!
Before noon the thunder started to edge closer and the dark rain clouds came over the Sierra Blanca. And by 12.30 pm the rain started. Not the normal deluge we can get in the monsoon season, but a slow drizzle that sent the temperature plummeting from 85 degrees to 63 degrees in less than an hour. We saw not a sign of the sun all afternoon.
By the time I came inside this dark shed I was so cold, damp and "freezing met me at the door."
The Bassel-Hagens disease, ( dozens upon dozens of bone tumors in my spine, hips, shoulders, ankles and all other bones/joints ) and the associated arthritis makes it pretty difficult to retain mobility when I sleep in the damp and can't get warm and dry, so I was already having problems walking. But it's so delightful to see moisture I can't find it within my heart to complain. What a shame that we can't have warm rain and summer temperatures.

I don't like growing old even at the best of time, in the best of circumstances. But these circumstances are so unreal you have to pinch yourself to believe that it's happening. Then again, it could be 120 degree's like most of the country and I really would be complaining in earnest.
Jan phoned and told me that she is going to speak to the electrician tomorrow, so that will give me a more solid knowledge about what I need to do to get electricity to the land. But I can't deny that I am now worried about the water well. This is so thoroughly exhausting for a woman alone.
I never intended this blog to have a socio-political twist to it, but we are all victims of our own nature. The bombings in Norway was a terrible tragedy today, my mind went to those we have all seen suffer tragedy in the past few months.
We have watched so many lives destroyed in floods, tornadoes, wildfires in 2011 and I wonder why we can't get media updates about how those poor people are managing. Where are they now?
Again... an appeal to those reading. I just can't explain how serious this situation is and if people are willing to risk their lives to get food to the starving, please give in abundance..

Dear Friend,
The situation is getting worse for millions in the Horn of Africa. Famine has been declared in two regions of southern Somalia, and is likely to spread to neighboring areas if nothing is done to alleviate the suffering.This is the first time in 20 years that a food crisis has reached the technical definition of a famine. Some experts fear the current conditions will cause more devastation than the drought that spread from the Horn of Africa in the 1980s. Already, more than 11 million people are in urgent need of life-saving assistance. Please help today.
No matter how bad things may be, no matter how deep our hurts. We look at the plight of others and it simply breaks your heart.World Vision: http://donate.worldvision.org
- In Somalia, 3.7 million people — half the population — are in need of humanitarian assistance.
- In Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp, an average of 1,300 Somali refugees arrive each day. Half of the newly arrived children are malnourished, and many die on the way to the camp.
- Ethiopia has the largest number of people affected — 4.5 million lives are at risk from the crisis.
- Drought conditions are spreading into Tanzania — where 500,000 people are already affected — and threatening other nearby countries.
- If you've already given to help save children's lives in the Horn of Africa, thank you. World Vision has launched a widespread response to the crisis, including emergency feeding programs for children, food distributions for vulnerable families, access to clean water and healthcare, protection of livestock, peacekeeping efforts, and more.
But more help is desperately needed to save children's lives.
The Horn of Africa is unlikely to receive normal rainfall until early next year, and food prices continue to rise. Because World Vision has worked in the region for decades, we have been awarded government grants that can multiply the impact of your gift 5 times.
Join with us in praying for children and families in the Horn of Africa, and for improved conditions throughout the region. And please send a gift that multiplies 5 times in impact to help today.
Thank you for your generosity.
In Him,
Rich Stearns
President, World Vision U.S.
United Nations Food program: http://www.wfp.org/