I have spent 24 hours trying to get rid of a serious attack of virus' and trojans on my computer and it still isn't as functional as it should be. Everyone knows how frustrating these attacks can be, when you lose the ability to load pages, or get control of a computer that is being hi-jacked. But a real irony surfaced. I started cleaning the computer at 5 am yesterday morning, and was still working on it at 7.30 pm last night.

I can't even start thinking about a home, getting the barn finished, without becoming so ill I can't even stand on my feet. Yet I can fight with a computer being hi-jacked and it never cause me the same physical/emotional reaction.
As time has gone by I really started to wonder if I will ever be well again. I feel so depleted. Or if these migraine attacks would not stop even if I could - by miraculous means - obtain the home we paid for in 2007. I think about so little else. It's such a desperate situation.
Yesterday I forgot about our home and barn, and became consumed with stopping the virus' and trojans from destroying this computer... and managed to be stressed to the maximum without suffering ill health. But repairing a computer is within my ability.. building or financing ANOTHER home isn't.
As the arid conditions continued a doe came in to be close to the water trough. She remained when she found some sweet feed, and was joined by a year old fawn before the day was out. 3 other doe's joined her by the next morning, then 3 young bucks by late afternoon. Rarely do we see so many mule deer come in mid-summer but the conditions are so dry.
With the Wallow Fire still burning, the fire near Santa Fe causing concern, now a wildfire is raging near Las Alamos. We need rain in the worst way.
Los Alamos Officials Order Mandatory Evacuation Of The Community Because Of WildfireI can only appeal again to the Ogilvie-Huckins family. If that person is Malcolm Huckins, Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, or Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins. Your brother, son, cousin stole our building fund and having tried every method to get a home without it we simply can't do the impossible. Please help us retrieve our building fund so that we, too, can have a home before winter arrives, and have our lives returned to us.
Los Alamos County officials are reporting the fire is now threatening Los Alamos. They are ordering a mandatory evacuation.
White Rock is not being evacuated at this time. Residents in Los Alamos should not go to White Rock to stay in case it is later evacuated. Residents are urged to prepare now to be ready to go when their group is called using Reverse 911.Residents in Los Alamos in the Downtown, North Community, Quemazon, Eastern, and Western areas use either the Truck Route (East Jemez Road) or Trinity Drive to NM502. Royal Crest residents would use the Truck Route to SR 4 to NM502. Residents on the mesas (North Mesa, Barranca Mesa) use the graded road in the bottom of Rendija Canyon, the same emergency route used during the Cerro Grande Fire in May 2000. The road has been graded today and the gate through San Ildefonso property to NM 502 is open.
Take only your most essential belongings, including medication and pets. Large vehicles such as RVs should not attempt to use the road through Rendija Canyon due to the low water crossings in the road. The road is graded to accommodate passenger cars, trucks or SUVs, not oversized vehicles. Residents in White Rock should use SR 4 to NM 502 to evacuate if that becomes necessary.The Big Rock Santa Claran Event Center is open as a shelter for those who are voluntarily evacuating with no accommodations. Residents who have friends and family in the area are asked to relocate to stay with them in order to keep shelter space available for those who most need it. The County is coordinating with regional resources to open more shelters.
Those without transportation should call 505-661-RIDE (Atomic City Transit, the County’s transit system). They will start arranging busses to pick up those who need bus service.Gov. Susana Martinez came to see the fire firsthand late Sunday night. She said that several homes have burned, but the exact number won't be known until fire crews survey the area. Fire crews said a fire station has been badly damaged by the flames.
At least 30 structures, mostly homes, have been burned in the area. Many of the homes were lost in the Tent Rocks area and residents had just minutes to evacuate their homes.The fire is within 50 feet of Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is closed.Residents in the Cochiti Mesa, Las Conchas, Bandelier National Monument and the Valles Caldera National Preserve have been evacuated. Campgrounds near the area, including Jemez Falls Campground, have also evacuated.Evacuees are being housed at the La Cueva Fire Station, Buffalo Thunder Casino, Cities of Gold Casino and the Pojoaque Pueblo Wellness Center.Power and phone lines are down in the area.The estimated acreage of the fire swelled from 6,000 to 43,000 overnight because of extreme fire danger associated with drought, dry and windy conditions and improved fire mapping, according to forest officials.Anyone voluntarily leaving Los Alamos or White Rock from northern Los Alamos should proceed southbound on Diamond Drive either to Trinity Drive or East Jemez Road (White Rock Truck Route.)County officials said if residents voluntarily evacuate, they should take necessary steps now to remove essential belongings in case they cannot return to their homes in the near future. In particular, residents are urged to take necessary medications and pets with them.