Today is one of those picture perfect days. Warm, but not uncomfortably hot, in the lower 80's. A beautiful clear blue sky day... and no wind. It would be simply delightful, a day that exemplifies why we have the title, "Playground Of The Southwest," had I not been up all night trying to stop a terrible migraine from going from bad to worse.

Yesterday I stopped at TR's store to buy a racing program for my boss, but I couldn't actually get inside the store because I was sat gagging, trying to stop myself from vomiting outside. I drove away thinking that if I drove around and started to breath deep I could get control of it.
On July 4th it's my mothers birthday. I am simply horrified that yet another birthday is approaching for a woman who was born in 1927 ~ and there still isn't a home for a senior citizen who sold her home to obtain one here. Nothing for her to come to, no-way of explaining to her what has happened for fear of putting her into such a stressful situation she, like Dorothy, will have a heart attack.
She purchased this house & barn for her great-grandchildren. It was to be our home, It was their inheritance.
It's compounding my own stress of seeing June arrive, and fleetingly pass, without any progress on the barn and single-wide. This is such an awful mess. My career, our family, our health hinged on getting into a home where my mother can be, and I can work. I am simply terrified that I will never see my mother alive again. That she sold her home for nothing but to line the pockets of a thief. I am terrified of facing another winter sat in a shed that isn't fit for an animal let alone a human.
The Playground of The Southwest certainly is a paradise here on earth.. but I question how this could ever happen in a civilized society where 75% of the population claim Christ and where the Constitution - which derived from the Magna Carta - is so important. And when the temperatures drop below freezing, and no-one can see their mother, grand-mother, great grandmother this paradise becomes hell on earth.
I am again begging the Ogilvie-Huckins family to intervene and help stop this injustice. This sheer madness. If that be Malcolm Huckins, Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins or someone else. I desperately need Robert Huckins, your brother, cousin, son, to return our building fund so that we can have a home and get our lives back.