Monday, June 13, 2011

Stuck In Limbo

Last night I couldn't sleep peacefully. A migraine pounded on my head, and each time I fell asleep I returned to one of those awful nightmares where I'm either trying to use a hammer to build a house myself, or I'm going through door after door looking for MY house door.
Each time I woke up chest pains shot through my body.

It was a fitful, stressful night and I ate pain medication like candy trying to stop the pounding, vomiting, chest pains and blurred vision. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and stay asleep but woke up feeling the effects of a rough night.

Night time always brings more stress to human beings ~ all human beings no matter what adversity they are feeling ~ and I have never understood why. At night I can normally think up methods to get this single-wide trailer and barn finished, use the construction material I have already bought, even how to get the utilities turned on, but in the light of day my efforts bring no success and I feel so defeated.
Yet it's the night time when ghosts, goblins and fears terrorize me. The paralytic fear that I will see another winter in below zero weather in this shed. That I will be found dead from hypothermia. That I will never see my mother again. That I won't be able to get the electricity functional on that land. That I will never see the return of the building fund. That I will lose this shed and have no where to go before I can get that single wide and barn functional.

The list goes on, and at night time it all converges together after the sun sets and simply overwhelms me.

This is an appeal to the Huckins family: Anyone who will listen and MAKE Robert Huckins return the stolen monies, if that be Malcolm Huckins, Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins or someone else. Please ask your brother, cousin, son to return the money he stole.


The weather is gorgeous, simply fabulous. Yet there is a slight smell of smoke in the air from the wildfires to our west, and we desperately need rain to prevent wildfires from breaking out here . I am so stressed today, and the economic forecast isn't advantageous .

Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means. ~ Albert Einstein