My health deteriorated in the past 36 hours and I am getting as frustrated with these awful migraines as I am the inability I am experiencing trying to renovation of the single wide and barn.
Yesterday I managed to go to the Lazy J while I still had the ability to drive, and Jan and I discussed this awful state of the situation. No help to get the single wide renovated, no money to obtain a home that is ready to reside in, no idea how to get the electricity working. The stress is unbearable and outcome so bleak. I so desperately need to get into a home and get my life back together, get my family and career back.
This is making me so seriously ill.
By mid afternoon I yesterday I had no option but to go to bed and try to get rid of a shocking migraine. My nerves are simply shot. Even while speaking with Jan I couldn't stop gagging.. couldn't even speak without wanting to vomit.
In the middle of the conversation Jan made a comment that had both of us in tears laughing. I think you have to be a certain age, when your eyesight is no longer as good as it was, and you feel like you have been picked up by the heels and dipped in "age" - and you suddenly find yourself saying something so funny. In this particular instance Jan thought that a horse in the pasture had two birds sitting on his head.. those were his "ears."
My mother, who has eyesight as poor as mine, once sat within feet of a skunk commenting on this strange colored cat walking on the patio. And yesterday we mistook horses ears for birds..
I love growing old.. it brings so many surprises!
Meanwhile across the nation the heartbreak continues for so many....
Arizona Wildfire Burns Horses And Well As Pasture And HomesPALOMINAS, Arizona (Reuters) - When fire ripped through the mountain pasture in southern Arizona, old roping horse Charlie panicked and charged straight into a sheet of flame.
"When fear takes over, sometimes they react. His reaction was to pull away and run right into the wildfire," said horse rescue worker Theresa Warrell.
The veteran workhorse, who suffered burns to his hoofs, underbelly, muzzle and eyes, is among hundreds of horses and other livestock rescued as the Monument Fire roared down out of the Huachuca Mountains and galloped across tinder-dry ranchland in this high desert valley.
As around 11,000 people were evacuated and scores of homes burned to the ground, volunteers worked around the clock to save horses, donkeys, cats, dogs and even hens exposed to the wind-whipped blaze that drove residents from their homes often with just with minutes to spare.
For animal experts, saving often panicked livestock presented an even greater challenge to rescuers.
"It's more of catastrophe, because it is very difficult to move your livestock at a moment's notice," said Dusty Prentice, a large animal veterinarian tending to Charlie's burns at the Horse'n Around Rescue Ranch and Foundation in Palominas.
"How do you get 20 or 30 horses or even two or three backyard horses that have not been in a trailer for quite some time ... evacuated within ten minutes?" she added.
Among other animals rescued was Rosie, a shaggy haired donkey reported missing as the fire bore down on homes in the wide open pasture, forcing owners to make a hurried retreat to safety.
"I fully expected to find the thing toasted, because everything up there was toasted," said Steve Boice, who co-founded nonprofit Horse'n Around with Warrell.
"But as I came around the corner, there was the donkey drinking out of bird birth. She was not singed, she was fine. It was pretty incredible," he added.
As fire crews bring the blaze that torched 62 homes and burned over 27,000 acres under control, rescuers are concerned that some of more than 100 horses saved from the flames will want new homes, as local residents begin to salvage their lives from the ashes.
Among them is Charlie, a sturdy, tranquil veteran of ranch work who is responding well to treatment with antibiotics and painkillers, Prentice said.
"He's a very quiet easygoing animal," she said as Charlie stood, head bowed, allowing her to bathe the raw burns on his underbelly without flinching.
"I think he would make a good kid's horse."
And now more flooding is expected in regions with high populations. This is simply heart breaking, because there are so many disasters happening from state to state
North Dakota City Braces For Worst Flooding in 130 Years
Up to 12,000 people will evacuate from Minot, ND, to escape the imminent onslaught of flood waters that will soon overflow levees along the Souris river and swallow much of the fourth largest city in the state.
Weeks of heavy rain have swelled the Canadian reservoirs in the Souris River basin, forcing dangerous water releases to the Souris River. The basin has received about 200 percent more rain water than normal in the last two months. The Souris River is expected to reach a record-breaking 1,560 feet by Monday, squashing the previous record set in 1881 of 1,558 feet.
Water pushing down the Souris River Valley will test Lake Darling Dam, which is expected to release up to 20,000 cubic feet per second later this week.
The Minot Daily News reports that the Saskatchewan reservoirs were already releasing water at an astounding rate of 28,000 cubic feet per second on Tuesday morning.
“What I see right now is probably the most devastating in terms of the number of people directly impacted and what it will do to damage homes as water begins to overtop the levees and fill in behind,” said Maj. Gen David Sprynczynatyk of North Dakota National Guard, who has been involved in flood response for 40 years, to the Minot Daily News.
On Wednesday, sirens sounded at 12:57 p.m. to warn citizens to immediately head for higher ground. The sirens mean that the water has breached the dikes in the city.
As I look at what is going on around us it's almost beyond comprehension to see so many lose their homes and suffer so much loss. Yet I'm curious.. what do people expect a person to do when their home has been stolen from them? When it's loss was a deliberate malicious act?
I am sincerely appealing, literally begging, the Ogilvie-Huckins family to intervene and help me find and get our building fund returned so that we can have our lives back. I don't know if that be Malcolm Huckins, Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins or another family member. We desperately need your help.