Friday, September 30, 2011

Once You Are In A Pickle

You can't go back to being a cucumber...

I was so deathly ill when I opened my eyes this morning. The migraine that sent me to bed yesterday gained strength during the night and was waiting to hit me between the eyes at sunrise. I sat perplexed at what to do to stop this constant illness. I am so exhausted. By noon the pain was at least tolerable even if uncomfortable.

It was also bitter cold when I got out of bed. Not a dry cold, but a bone chilling cold. I looked at the thermometer and it registered slightly over 40 degree's outside - which means that it was in the lower 30's inside this garden shed.
By 9 am it had got to 50 degree's but I was still shivering cold.

A prospective buyer e-mailed me so before 8 am I phoned Jan to relate the information and we discussed the electricity - again - and how to stop me from dying from hypothermia this coming winter. Dying doesn't worry me for I would consider that a blessing. Being in pain does.

The electricity is starting to cause more chaos and confusion than even I dare anticipate. Because of the delay in finding an electrician the fee's have increased considerably.
Otero County Electric seem to have been told that the funds came from donations. I paid those funds from an advance on my wages while I was still battling through criminal court trials.

One of the hardest things about this situation is battling through the gossip, innuendo's repeated by those who don't know any facts. When someone steals your building fund it isn't only the money that has disappeared.

In my case there were sub-contractors left unpaid, one intending to put a lien on the property. I was faced with no building permits, no inspections.. no electricity, a septic tank half installed and everything was coming down on my head at one time. I can't even pretend to have any construction skills or knowledge - so I was literally thrown under a bus.

So today I fund out that I would have to start all over again from square one and re-apply for permits to get electricity. And probably pay an increased installation fee, than the $3,000 I have already paid. And this doesn't even start to include the costs of the poles, terminals, meters, and a certified electrician. It never ends. It was already going to cost more than Robert Huckins is repaying me per YEAR. My stomach is churning over with anxiety fearing what the new cost is going to be. And here we are, going into October...
Again I appeal to the Huckins family members I am aware of, Malcolm Huckins, Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins. ( Diana Huckins? Dominic Huckins? Malcolm Huckins? ) What happened to Dorothy McKeever was inexcusable, and not one person would speak up for her. What happened to myself and my family no different. Your brother, cousin, son, Robert Huckins, stole our building fund knowing that once it was hidden we wouldn't even have the funds to rent a home.

He walked out of the Wells Fargo Bank on Sudderth Drive with $110,000 DAYS before the White Collar Crime investigators, for the State of New Mexico, demanded that he repay ALL of our building fund back within a 30 day period. The money disappeared into thin air, even though days later he was recorded in a deposition admitting that he had the money, adding that he didn't need 30 days to repay the money back, he could pay it back in less time.

Officer John Barnes of the state police was present during that deposition. Someone knows where our building fund is. And the people who know where it is are perfectly aware of the damage they are doing. There was much, much money collected from numerous victims than the amount of money recorded in this particular withdrawal from the Wells Fargo bank. And it wasn't spent on contracted jobs, because almost all employees and subcontractors were given hot checks. A number so large in dollar amount and numbers that it was impossible to account for them all.

Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.

I can't physically go on being homeless and I want to see my mother. The 12th District Courts described this damage as "grievous." I would call it far more. Abuse above and beyond what any woman should be subjected to, let alone a victim of crime.
I implore you to intervene and make your brother, cousin, son, return ALL of the building fund that he stole so that we can have what you all have...
a home. I am begging for anyone to help me retrieve our home. We have paid for a home many, many times over both in finances and pain & suffering due to this continued this cruelty. I will keep asking every single day until the day I die, because I am so desperate, and I have no idea where else to turn. The survival of democracy depends on the renunciation of violence and the development of nonviolent means to combat evil and advance the good.~ A. J. Muste