Up until this past week I have had such a nightmare of a time just trying to get a home for myself and my mother - recoup what was stolen. All of a sudden I'm faced with trying to get my 87 yr old boss back on his feet financially, and wondering how he can survive a massive financial loss.
My head was just swimming.
If one of the racehorses wins this week-end it will be a temporary relief. But only temporary. If this situation wasn't so dire it would almost be funny. Yesterday he said, "I need some horses to train" and I almost collapsed on the floor laughing. We need horses to train like we need holes in the head.
What we do need is a method to not only survive this recession, but beat the odds of stolen property, stolen lives, lost investments... and that isn't an easy thing to do.
It's been a gorgeous day. Sunny, beautiful clear skies but a little chilly.
I had to be in Ruidoso Downs early this morning to haul horses to Nogal. One of the horses wouldn't load, so it was an answered prayer when she walked into the horse trailer 2 1/2 hours later.
Tonight I am going to market antiques and collectibles and try to think of any method - short of robbing a bank - to get our home and salvage my bosses financial stability.
As I go through the twitter posts sent by advocates my heart simply breaks. When will "all" human beings start to show compassion towards "all" beings. Because on that day homelessness, child abuse, animal abuse, and poverty will end.
16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
1 . . . if any of them do not believe God's word, your conduct will win them over to believe. . . .
1 PETER 2:12 TEV
12 Your conduct among the heathen should be so good that . . . they will have to recognize your good deeds and so praise God . . . .
1 PETER 2:15 TEV
15 For God wants you to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people by the good things you do.
18 Instruct them to do as many good deeds as they can and to help everyone. Remind the rich to be generous and share what they have.
1 JOHN 3:14 TEV
14 We know that we have left death and come over into life; we know it because we love others. Those who do not love are still under the power of death.
1 JOHN 3:18 TEV
18 My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.
1 JOHN 4:7 TEV
7 Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God.
God loves your neighbor enough to die for them. You are God's ambassador, representing God to your neighbor, for the purpose of demonstrating His love.
What are you doing to show God's love to your neighbor? Love without actions is dead.
Radical Social Media Experiment, HopeMob, Brings Conservatives & Liberals Together on Twitter to Provide Hope to the Needy
Mashable Award Winner Shaun King uses social media to build a HopeMob from 40 states, 20 countries, and 6 continents. Soon, they will mob people in need with goodness one story at a time.At a time when substantive cooperation between Democrats & Republicans is at an all-time low, a radical social media experiment called HopeMob is asking people to put aside their political and ideological differences to find those in need, tell their story, and then mob them with goodness, one cause a time. Brought together on Twitter by Shaun King, HopeMob.org already has well over 1,000 volunteers from 40 states and 20 countries on 6 continents preparing to launch goodness upon the world.
“If Mother Teresa built a platform with the tech base of Groupon, Foursquare, and Netflix and the heart of CNN Heroes, it would look like what we’re building now,” said Shaun King, the founder of HopeMob.org and a former Oprah Winfrey Scholar at Morehouse College in Atlanta. “I’ve found that with the right cause, people from all walks of life are willing to forgo their differences and put the things that divide aside. Millions of people in desperate need in the United States are not having their stories told online in spite of a global social media revolution. HopeMob is going to aggressively pursue these people and tell their stories online for the world to see. Instead of featuring hundreds of causes like other platforms, we will feature just one compelling human story at a time and our entire HopeMob will swarm their story and provide them with the hope they need to keep on pushing through life!”
HopeMob.org is currently being featured as one of the most popular startup projects on the crowdfunding website KickStarter. Nearly 600 people have pledged over $85,000 to subsidize the cost of building the HopeMob.org website and mobile apps which will launch in late March. Current prizes for KickStarter backers range from stickers and t-shirts to photoshoots and featured stories on the new HopeMob platform.
Shaun King, the founder & CEO of HopeMob, is one of the most respected social media humanitarians in the world today. His online social good projects have received over 100 million visits, raised over $5 million for causes, and have been featured in O Magazine, the front page of the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox News, and more. He was recently awarded the coveted Mashable Award for the Most Creative Social Good Campaign for TwitChange – a celebrity Twitter charity auction featuring over 300 celebrities including Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian, and more.
HopeMob is non profit social media start-up designed to bring millions of people together to focus on helping out the needy one story at a time. Hopemob founding partners also include Xealot, Cause Media Group, Church Solutions Group, and Grizzard Communications Group.
There has to be someone related to Robert &Sylve Huckins must have some means to reach them, if it be Michael Huckins, Dr.Kenneth Ogilvie ( Diana Huckins? Dominic Huckins? Malcolm Huckins? ) or Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins and get them to return ALL of the money they stole from us so that I can buy a home and get our lives back. I am begging anyone in this family for help.
I don't believe I have EVER witnessed any none violent crime that can be as devastating as stealing someone's home. I am walking in Dorothy McKeevers footsteps, day by day, month by month, year by year.
Liam Griffin, I sat in your law office with two witnesses as you gave me your promise, your guarantee, that our money would be returned before harm came to us.
Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins you were present the day I signed contract with your son. You walked out of the kitchen with Sylve Huckins and your son introduced me to you. He told you that I was the British horse trainer he had told you about, the one he was going to build the home and barn for. Why didn't you say something? There may be a rational and reasonable explanation but I have spent over 3 years, homeless, not understanding it. I understand it even less knowing that though I was a total stranger, both Dorothy McKeever and Sally Canning you KNEW, and you knew what your son had done to them and others.
Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, I contacted you and simply asked for a reference, not knowing that Robert Huckins was your cousin. Robert Huckins had just stolen over $30,000 from the domestic violence shelter, HEAL, yet everyone was trying to hide it. There was a history of stealing large amounts of money. $65,000 PLUS from Nancy Canning. $89,000 PLUS from Dorothy McKeever, $45,000 from Francis McKinney. The list just goes on and on and on.
Because of Robert Huckins I ended up paying $140,000 to be homeless.. sat in the cold, emotionally, physically and financially broke. In the middle of a recession, with no way to recover the stolen funds.
Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.
Women are not banks or loan institutions. Women should not be the source of a retirement fund for people who don't want to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Holding women hostage while playing with the judicial system, a horrendous game of cat and mouse extending YEARS, with the victims whose very homes, families and stability are in jeopardy is cruelty, as cruel as a physical beating. It is financial and emotional RAPE. Homelessness is not justice. It is a slow, painful death.
Please, I beg with everything I have within me, please convince Robert Huckins to stop this torture and return the building fund he stole from us so we too, can have a home.
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