5 degree's but no more snow has fallen overnight, so we are blessed. Today started out as a frigid cold day and didn't get above 20 degrees. This is really been a strange winter.. almost wicked. I faced winter in this shed with absolute dread, but not in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined how severe it would get.
Yet I am so worried about my youngest daughter and her family for they are in such dire financial straits and the weather in their area seems to be a whole lot worse than here in Ruidoso.

The minor baseball league is coming to Ruidoso and it's very exciting to see anything come to this region that is healthy, wholesome and can generate revenue., especially seeing as mine is a baseball crazy family.
I think I am going to take the day off work tomorrow and try to wrap myself around the book I have been trying to write forever. The cold & stress just seems to block thoughts, but tomorrow I'm going to try and block all else and work on this blasted book.
Ideas may drift into other minds, but they do not drift my way. I have to go and fetch them. I know no work manual or mental to equal the appalling heart-breaking anguish of fetching an idea from nowhere. ~A. A. Milne