Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hot Coffee Day

The rain, and sleet, arrived in earnest around noon and what was wonderfully refreshing here in Alto started landslides and flooding in some parts of Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs. I managed to get the work done and get inside the shed as the rain started to pour.

Once upon a time I would thoroughly enjoy days like today. When I had a warm comfortable home. When I could make hot meals, when the smell of baking comforted. When family and friends could visit. When I could say that I am "going home." or "staying home," "inviting people home," having guests "come stay at my home."
Today the closest I can come to comfort is while sat in a vehicle.

Sitting in the dark cold damp shed today, listening to the pouring rain, simply left me cold and confused. The tumors in my spine, hips, ankles are starting to become so painful as the damp continues. I keep thinking that I can undo the damage I have physically sustained in the past 3 years of homelessness, but then reality hits and I wonder if I will even survive it let alone physically recover. How can anyone do this to another human being and look themselves in the mirror each day?

Jan and I discussed competitive trail rides and trying to get this single wide and barn of mine finished. Prayerfully by Sunday I should know what I am facing, financially, getting the electricity to my land. What a long row to hoe this has been. By 3. 30 pm I just had to get out, even if it was to take advantage of the warm and light in the truck, so I drove to Ruidoso to do some shopping for my boss.

Strange days these are. When a convicted felon has your home, your family, your future in his hands and there is nothing you can do to make him return the building fund that he stole.

I can only appeal again to the Ogilvie-Huckins family. If that person is Malcolm Huckins, Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, or Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins. ( Diana Huckins? Dominic Huckins? Malcolm Huckins? ) Your brother, son, cousin stole our building fund and having tried every method to get a home without it we simply can't do the impossible. My mother sold her ONLY home to buy one here. Not a second home, or a spare rental. The only home she has had, that took 60+ years of working full time to obtain. Please help us retrieve our building fund so that we, too, can have a home before winter arrives, and have our lives returned to us. We have put up with more pain and suffering than any women should be forced to withstand - and we are not the only women to go through living hell because of Robert Huckins.
Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.
PLEASE help me help myself. I have never begged before in my life, but after 3 years of trying to get a home it's become clearly obvious to everyone that we won't ever have a home - unless our building fund is returned.Almost all of us long for peace and freedom; but very few of us have much enthusiasm for the thoughts, feelings, and actions that make for peace and freedom. ~Aldous Huxley