Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Women Are Human Beings!

I so wish every day should was as nice as today. My boss had to go to the doctors, which gave me adequate time to get a lot of work done in his absence. In the afternoon he decided to ride the new horse I have nick-named "no-name" because my boss keeps changing the horses name.
My fears that it would be a wreck were unfounded. He saddled the horse himself, probably because I refused to start towing with the weight of an old roping saddle that weighs almost as much as I do. Watching a cowboy and a dressage rider is bound to be hilarious from the sidelines.

For myself it was a day without a migraine, without any severe pain, and feeling good did me the world of good. The fact that the temperature remained in the upper 70's, with cloudy skies, helped me find some peace today. Any day I feel physically well is always a good day. Yet I was still lost in thought trying to figure out how to get a home before the weather turns.

I phoned to see about the electricity on the land. Again, it seems that no-one has seen or spoken to the electrician so I'll wait until I go to Nogal on Friday and get the phone number that was offered to me. I wish I knew the phone number to Ladbrokes, because they may be interesting in taking bets on this one.

I should phone Ladbrokes anyway... just to see how many bets would be made on my home.. or homelessness..

I want to be inside a warm home WHEN? Before winter?There are times when I almost forget that I am a human being. The years of fighting for justice, of trying to get the home we paid for, has left an indelible mark upon me.

When I first started speaking with other victims the sheer volume of women victims horrified me. But almost all had taken the same course of action. They either hired an attorney to seek a civil judgement, which (like the criminal judgement) was not worth the paper it was written on, or they literally went into hiding out of sheer embarrassment. Most did the latter.

It's true that filing a civil action is incredibly expensive. You can go through $30,000 in legal fee's and never see a dime of your money returned. Several of Robert Huckins victims know that only too well, as does Robert Huckins.
I decided that I was going to learn fromthe others, and take a different course of action. It was still an expensive venture that I set out to do but the others had not seen their money returned. It was time to try anything different.

I printed up t-shirts. I walked around Ruidoso wearing a t-shirt that said, "I hired Robert Huckins, ask me for a reference!" on the front of the shirt and "Where is our $82,000 Bob?"
I printed up brochures by the thousands telling victims where to go to get help.
I printed flyers with an entire list of victims names and the amounts stolen.
I set up phone lines for the victims.
At one point a group of us victims intended to put a float in every single parade in New Mexico until someone took us seriously.

I couldn't believe that this level of fraud and embezzlement had been allowed to go on for over a decade. During the early days I became very confused because I honestly thought the option I would have to face would be protecting OUR building fund, or stopping Robert Huckins from ever hurting another woman ever again. I stood inside the local radio station and told the general manager that I just didn't know whom I would end up having to protect, because if he went down the road and did this to another elderly woman and I had not tried to stop him, it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

Little did I know that I would be able to do neither.

Each winter erodes your self esteem a little more. Self worth almost become none existent. Robert & Sylve Huckins sit in a warm comfortable home without a care in the world and I can be sat in minus degree weather, with no heat. The summers are so stressful that last year my hair started to fall out, and I became deathly ill. This isn't a home we couldn't afford. it is a home already bought and paid for. But we can't replace it.
I would never have believed this had I not experienced it.

Someone related to Robert & Sylve Huckins must have some means to reach them, if it be Michael Huckins, Dr.Kenneth Ogilvie ( Diana Huckins? Dominic Huckins? Malcolm Huckins? ) or Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins and get them to return ALL of the money they stole from us. I, like those victims who came before me, have been dragged through a living hell and I simply beg for your mercy.

I can't obtain a home until Robert Huckins retu
rns the money he stole from us that was to buy a home, and I can't remain homeless.

Had he given the money back when he promised the white collar crime investigators I wouldn't be making this plea today. Had he never stolen our building fund I wouldn't be making this plea today.

But he pushes the abuse and torment to an extent where no alternatives are offered.

Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.

No women should be abused to this degree. I am homeless and I want to see my mum and return to my career, so I won't stop asking if I have to ask every single day until I die. Robert Huckins gave no-one an alternative, so I plead with sincerity for your mercy and intervention.

Charity begins at home and justice begins next door. ~ Charles Dickens