But the carpet in my bosses house must have come in on the ark and the machine, a rented machine, started to burn up, probably because it was sucking up dry rotted carpet.
I have no idea what the damage is going to be in dollar amount, but the response from my boss was, "I don't want to talk about it."
Fun, fun, fun.
The flies in the shed have just been insane. I don't think I have ever see so many flies except in an unkept barn full of horses or livestock. Rio is starting to sneeze whenever the fly spray is used. I finally made her go outside and lay in a comfortable spot while I try to exterminate the pests she long since stopped trying to catch.
No matter how much effort I put into trying to distract myself, or stop worrying and fretting, it's always right there waiting to hit me:
"I don't have a home to go to tonight."
"I can't get back to my career tomorrow."
"I may never see my mother alive.. ever again."
I can try to joke with people, Smile, laugh, try to hide all my emotions.
But every step I take it's always right there waiting to hit me:
"I don't have a home to go to tonight."
"I can't get back to my career tomorrow."
"I may never see my mother alive.. ever again."
Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.
I am homeless and I want to see my mum and return to my career, so I won't stop asking if I have to ask every single day until I die. Robert Huckins gave no-one an alternative, so I plead with sincerity for your mercy.