While speaking with my artist friend she made the comment that Ruidoso has retained a healthy economic climate for luxury items ~ because this region is supported by oil money.
Which is fine for those artists producing high dollar art work.
But the money doesn't "trickle down" no matter how many times some want to repeat that mantra.
Jan was as depressed as I am. The horse industry is taking an awful beating, and now we have the slaughterhouses opening up making it more and more difficult to market horses that are worth more dead than alive. When you have breeding programs that extend back 30+ years, and you have older horses you raised from birth, slaughter isn't an option if you are a half way humane being.
This country is in a real mess, and if you have been knocked down it's very difficult to get back up. Especially when you are homeless. As Jan and I talked I kept insisting that there has to be a way to pull out of this mess. There has to be a way to make a living that would bring in enough finances for me to obtain a home.
But no matter how much I research, or no matter how many attempts I make, I just keep slipping further and further into a worse state physically, emotionally and psychologically whipped.

Early in the morning I had to go to Capitan, then Nogal where Jan and I sat and discussed this sad state of affairs. Prayerfully ~ with the guidance of God ~ 2011/2012 will be the last year I sleep outside homeless, but it's going to take prayer and help from my friends to turn this around for it's very evident that the Ogilvie-Huckins are not going to respond and return the stolen money.
No human being should have to live outside. It is simply incomprehensible that we should see "homeless" as acceptable.
KALAMAZOO -- Many members of the First Congregational Church on Park Street in Kalamazoo knew Tom Weimer, perhaps not by name but as the man who, for the past few years, occasionally sought shelter for the night under the big spruce tree near the church parking lot.Last Thursday afternoon, that’s where Weimer was found, dead.
“It is to our shame that he was found dead from exposure," said Rev. Matthew Laney, pastor of the church.
Police believe Weimer had been dead for several days before his body was discovered, hidden by the tree’s thick branches, said Lt. David Boysen of the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety.
No autopsy was done on the body. “He looked like he fell asleep and didn’t wake up,” Boysen said. His bags of extra clothing were found with him, and identification.
It’s a drill police know well. Two or three times a year in Kalamazoo a homeless person will fall asleep, perhaps under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and not wake up, Boysen said.
Police gather the deceased’s belongings, call a removal service to take the body to the morgue, and notify next of kin — in this case, a sister in southern Calhoun County.
“It’s another sad case, but it happens every winter,” Boysen said.
"Honestly, it’s surprising we don’t have more."
Staff members at the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission, 448 N. Burdick, learned of Weimer’s death when contacted by the Kalamazoo Gazette.
Nancy VanderRoest, director of development at the Gospel Mission, said Weimer was well known and well liked by staff there, though he refused their continued encouragement to enroll in a program to address substance abuse issues. He stayed at the mission many nights, she said -- each time, he was quite inebriated-- and frequently ate meals there.
“We never turn anyone away,” regardless of their state of sobriety, she said.
But mission records show Weimer’s last overnight stay was Feb. 23, 2011, almost a full year before his death. For reasons likely known only to him, Weimer's preference was to seek shelter in abandoned buildings, VanderRoest said — or under the church's tree.
We weren’t even aware of his death,” VanderRoest said. “We’re sorry to hear he has died.”
The congregation of the First Congregational had tried to help, too, Laney said. They referred him to services, and he politely declined, only occasionally accepting an item of clothing, a blanket or a meal, Laney said.
Though the church is an active participant in outreach at Martha’s Table, Loaves and Fishes, child care centers, and many, many other local programs aimed at helping the poor, Laney said, Weimer’s death served as a wake-up call that those efforts are not enough.
“When the weather turned colder, it didn’t occur to us” to wonder about Weimer’s whereabouts or welfare, to consider that his life might be at risk, Laney said.
Although both the city of Kalamazoo and the First Congregational Church itself reach out in countless ways to those needing food and shelter, he said, “a situation like this is to our shame and to the shame of the city. Our city does a lot of good but it is clearly not enough,” he said. "I don't think anyone is to blame, but it serves as a real wake-up call."
The irony was not lost on the congregation, or Laney, that Weimer's death likely came just as the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners rejected placement of a 0.1 mill property tax to fund programs for the homeless on the November ballot.
The members of the church lifted Weimer up in worship at Sunday’s service, prayed for his soul, and will add his name to the church’s memorial wall, in a spot closest to the tree, Laney said. Through the coroner's office they sent condolences to Weimer's family, and an offer to conduct a memorial service at the church for the man that died in their own churchyard.
They never received a reply.
Yesterday was a devastating day in the United States, it was a strange mixture of horrific hardship, with miracles that we cannot not deny.
Toddler Found Alone In Field 10 Miles From Family’s Home After Tornado
INDIANAPOLIS (CBS/AP) — A hospital spokeswoman says a 2-year-old girl found alive in an Indiana field after violent storms is the sole survivor of her immediate family.
Cis Gruebbel is a spokeswoman for Kosair Children’s Hospital in Louisville, Ky. She said Saturday that the girl’s mother, father, 2-month-old sister and 3-year-old brother all died Friday when the storms devastated southern Indiana.
Gruebbel says the toddler is in critical condition.
She would not identify the child and says she could not provide details on the child’s ordeal. She says extended family members are at the hospital with the child.
Melissa Richardson, a spokeswoman for the hospital in Salem, Ind. where the child was first taken, said the child’s family is from New Pekin, Ind., and she was found near her home.
Officials at the hospital where the girl was first taken said Saturday that authorities were still trying to figure out how she ended up in the field alone. Richardson says the child’s family is from New Pekin, Ind., about 10 miles south of where the child was found.
A string of violent storms demolished small towns in Indiana and cut off rural communities in Kentucky as the early season tornado outbreak killed more than 30 people, and the death toll rose as daylight broke on Saturday’s search for survivors.
Massive thunderstorms, predicted by forecasters for days, threw off dozens of tornadoes as they raced Friday from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes. Twisters crushed blocks of homes, knocked out cellphones and landlines, ripped power lines from broken poles and tossed cars, school buses and tractor-trailers onto roads made impassable by debris.
Weather that put millions of people at risk killed at least 32 in four states — Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio — but both the scale of the devastation and the breadth of the storms made an immediate assessment of the havoc’s full extent all but impossible.
In Kentucky, the National Guard and state police headed out to search wreckage for an unknown number of missing. In Indiana, authorities searched dark county roads connecting rural communities that officials said “are completely gone.”
In Henryville, the birthplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Harland Sanders, volunteers pushed shopping carts full of water and food down littered streets, handing supplies to anyone in need. Hundreds of firefighters and police zipped around town, where few recognizable structures remained; all of Henryville’s schools were destroyed. Wind had blown out the windows of the Henryville Community Presbyterian Church and gutted the building.
“It’s all gone,” said Andy Bell, who was guarding a friend’s demolished service garage, not far from where a school bus stuck out from the side of a restaurant and a parking lot where a small classroom chair jutted from a car window.
“It was beautiful,” he said, looking around at the town of about 2,000 north of Louisville, Ky. “And now it’s just gone. I mean, gone.”
Susie Renner, 54, said she saw two tornadoes barreling down on Henryville within minutes of each other. The first was brown from being filled with debris; the second was black.
“I’m a storm chaser,” Renner said, “and I have never been this frightened before.”
Friday’s tornado outbreak came two days after an earlier round of storms killed 13 people in the Midwest and South, and forecasters at the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center had said the day would be one of a handful this year that warranted its highest risk level. By 10 p.m., the weather service had issued 269 tornado warnings. Only 189 warnings were issued in all of February.
“We knew this was coming. We were watching the weather like everyone else,” said Clark County, Ind., Sheriff Danny Rodden. “This was the worst case scenario. There’s no way you can prepare for something like this.”
Fourteen people were reported killed in Indiana, including four in Chelsea, where a man, woman and their 4-year-old great-grandchild died in one house. Tony Williams, owner of the Chelsea General Store, said the child and mother were huddled in a basement when the storm hit and sucked the 4-year-old out her hands. The mother survived, but her 70-year-old grandparents were upstairs; both died.
“They found them in the field, back behind the house,” Williams said.
Two people died further north in Holton, where it appeared a tornado cut a diagonal swath down the town’s tiny main drag, demolishing a cinderblock gas station but leaving a tiny white church intact down the road.
“We are going to continue to hit every county road that we know of that there are homes on and search those homes,” said Indiana State Police Sgt. Jerry Goodin. “We have whole communities and whole neighborhoods that are completely gone. We’ve had a terrible, terrible tragedy here.”
The death toll rose to at least 14 in Kentucky, where National Guard troops and Kentucky State Police troopers were dispatched along with a rescue team to counties east and south of Lexington.
In West Liberty, Ky., Stephen Burton heard the twister coming and pulled his 23-year-old daughter to safety, just before the tornado destroyed the second story of the family’s home.
“I held onto her and made it to the center of the house, next to a closet,” Burton said. “I just held onto her, and I felt like I was getting sand-blasted on my back.”
Endre Samu, public affairs officer for the Kentucky State Police in Morehead, said three people died in West Liberty and at least 75 were injured. With the hospital damaged in the storm, some patients were being transferred to area hospitals, he said.
“All of the downtown area was just devastated,” Samu said.
Tornadoes were reported in at least six Ohio cities and towns, including the village of Moscow, where a council member found dead in her home was one of at least three people killed in the state. Several dozen homes were damaged, some stripped down to their foundations, and the Clermont County commissioners called a state of emergency for the first time in 15 years.
One person was reported dead Saturday in Alabama. Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman Yasamie August said an apparent tornado that hit Jackson Gap injured two others as well. She didn’t have more details.
Emergency officials in Lee County, Va., said damage from a possible tornado left a two- to three-mile path of destruction that may reach far into Tennessee, and damage reports were expected to increase with daylight.
“We don’t know. We can’t get down there,” Emergency Management Director Jason Crabtree said of areas stretching south of the Virginia line. “This thing may be eight to 10 miles long.”
Footage of Tornado's through Indiana , Share this With everyone you know and Please Donate if you can to the Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/donate/donate.html or
Alabama town struck for second year
An area near Huntsville, Alabama, which was struck by a tornado during an April 2011 outbreak that killed 364 of people, was hit again on Friday by a tornado that took a similar path. An emergency management official said seven people had been transported to hospitals.
"There were two storms that moved across the area, very close together, almost attached to each other," National Weather Service meteorologist Chris Darden said. The National Weather Service said the damage was from an EF-2 tornado with winds of 120 miles per hour (190 kph) that took a similar path to a devastating tornado on April 27, 2011.
Authorities said 40 homes were destroyed and 150 damaged in two northern Alabama counties on Friday.
A prison, Limestone Correctional Facility, was in the path of the storm, Alabama officials said. High winds caused roof damage to two dormitories, forcing 300 inmates to be moved to elsewhere in the facility.
No one was seriously injured at the prison and there was no risk of prisoners escaping, although there was damage to some perimeter fencing and a canteen, said Brian Corbett, a spokesman for the Alabama Department of Corrections.
Multiple tornadoes also struck Tennessee and along the Ohio River valley in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky.
In Kentucky, a small trailer park, a fire station and a few homes in Trimble County were destroyed by suspected tornadoes about 40 miles (64 km) northwest of Louisville, the Kentucky State Police said. The fire house and trailer park in Milton "were down to the ground," said the state police's Kevin Woosley.
Nashville was pounded by rain and hail, and suspected tornadoes struck twice, hours apart, in eastern Tennessee near Chattanooga. Among the places hit was the valley below historic Lookout Mountain.
"We've had 29 injuries in the state, but no fatalities," said Dean Flener of the Tennessee emergency management agency.
Storm damage to transmission lines in Tennessee forced operators to reduce the output of the Tennessee Valley Authority's 1,126-megawatt Unit 2 at the Sequoyah nuclear plant to 70 percent from full power, a spokeswoman said.
More than 57,000 customers served by providers in the TVA service area were without power in north Alabama, western Kentucky and southeast Tennessee, the power supplier said.
Praying for all of those whose hearts are breaking.

I don't believe I have EVER witnessed any none violent crime that can be as devastating as stealing someone's home. I am walking in Dorothy McKeevers footsteps, day by day, month by month, year by year.
Liam Griffin, I sat in your law office with two witnesses as you gave me your promise, your guarantee, that our money would be returned before harm came to us.
Patricia Ogilvie-Huckins you were present the day I signed contract with your son. You walked out of the kitchen with Sylve Huckins and your son introduced me to you. He told you that I was the British horse trainer he had told you about, the one he was going to build the home and barn for. Why didn't you say something? There may be a rational and reasonable explanation but I have spent over 3 years, homeless, not understanding it. I understand it even less knowing that though I was a total stranger, both Dorothy McKeever and Sally Canning you KNEW, and you knew what your son had done to them and others.
Dr. Kenneth Ogilvie, I contacted you and simply asked for a reference, not knowing that Robert Huckins was your cousin. Robert Huckins had just stolen over $30,000 from the domestic violence shelter, HEAL, yet everyone was trying to hide it. There was a history of stealing large amounts of money. $65,000 PLUS from Nancy Canning. $89,000 PLUS from Dorothy McKeever, $45,000 from Francis McKinney. The list just goes on and on and on.
Because of Robert Huckins I ended up paying $140,000 to be homeless.. sat in the cold, emotionally, physically and financially broke. In the middle of a recession, with no way to recover the stolen funds.
Today Robert Huckins has his own home...
He also has OUR home.....
He also has a lot of people's money...
And his freedom.
Women are not banks or loan institutions. Women should not be the source of a retirement fund for people who don't want to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Holding women hostage while playing with the judicial system, a horrendous game of cat and mouse extending YEARS, with the victims whose very homes, families and stability are in jeopardy is cruelty, as cruel as a physical beating. It is financial and emotional RAPE. Homelessness is not justice. It is a slow, painful death.
Please, I beg with everything I have within me, please convince Robert Huckins to stop this torture and return the building fund he stole from us so we too, can have a home.
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