I have not heard from John, and can't reach him via phone but that doesn't mean much. Perhaps he will show up sometime today, perhaps not. I am praying that it's the former and we can get some work done in the next few days while the weather permits.

If John arrives I have to buy the concrete, and consider how to get water to the land so we can mix the concrete. My truck insurance is due, and my phone bill is due.
My health is really causing me serious concern. I'm not too sure if this is as simplistic as pneumonia, or the multiple effects of the M.H.E. I feel simply awful, putting one step in front of the other is excruciating. If the bank put "good health" into the vault I'd rob it without a second thought.
Yet, I'm grateful. I am always so grateful for the tiny steps, the little progress I can make. Any hope. Very rarely does a smile leave my face. I have bad days, and good days, but the only thing that I have found that can simply crush me is the lies, deception and meanness others manufacture. Yet, all in all I'm a pretty happy person with a sense of humor that knows no bounds.
Topix is a forum that could promote civic and political responsibility. I'm sure when the Ruidoso News signed up for Topix that was the intention. Here the citizens can discuss what is happening within the community. Yet there are several who use the forum to rip others into shreds and I have sat back wondering what would make a human being this malevolent. This cold hearted and mean spirited behavior. We live in one of the most beautiful locations in the world, we are so blessed and should have no reason to have the desire to degrade others. Julie Carter is the recipient of the latest "feeding frenzy." As I reading the heart wrenching comments and criticism I can still hear my dad saying, "You can't pull yourself UP by pulling others DOWN."
It's sad to see anything that could be a constructive asset to the community turned into a destructive force.. but as a local businessman said, "It is what it is."
My oldest daughter and I went to Wal-Mart and bumped into Pappy & Marlene. It seems that their home had an electrical fire so my daughter spent some time phoning to see what electrician wasn't going to charge and arm and leg to get their furnace working again.
Then we bumped into an English woman I had met frequently in the past few years who is an absolute delight. Having started discussing politics we decided that we needed to bring a podium or box to stand on the next time we meet..
I remember J.D. Allen, who passed away around 4 years ago, saying that Wal-Mart is the only place in Lincoln County where one can have a "social life" without drinking or taking drugs. I miss J.D. I miss Betty Schreconghost, Roy Payton, Doc Spencer, Jackie Spencer, Aubry Stokes.
How can you not be grateful when you have known such wonderful people?