Yesterday was such a busy but bitter cold day I think I remained shell shocked from dawn to dusk. The wind was simply insane. I keep having to remind myself that spring is just around the corner. A few more weeks and it will be here....

Trying to keep warm is almost like a full time job. If you remain cold through the night you simply can't warm up in the day, and I know that I am blessed with an incredibly mild winter and today was simply glorious. I am getting too old for this extreme outdoors business. This is a young persons game. The weatherman said that this is the last week of this cold spell and by week-end, if not before, we will return to the unseasonably warm winter I was so enjoying.. to which I say Hallelujah!
The tack boxes look fabulous despite the craziness of painting them in inclement weather. Perhaps today it will become warm enough to put on the second coat without the Rust-Oleum going on like glue.
I spent all of yesterday evening trying to find electric poles. What are called "temporary" poles so I can get electricity to the land. You would think they would be easy to find but I have had no joy finding any that I can afford on my limited budget.
I've always been curious as to how all these builders, starting with Robert Huckins, intended to build without electricity. It's always perplexed me a great deal. But all my attempts to find affordable temporary poles have just been an exercise in frustration.
I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work. - Thomas Edison.