Several grand-children need new saddles but one in particular got in front of the line. How I would love to be able to get her a 14 inch Donaho saddle but the prices are simply outrageous. I had to laugh when I heard the description of the saddle sought.. It has to be waterproof so she can take Alli swimming in the lake.
Ski Apache opened up this week, though we have so little snow only two lifts are operable, and there is much better skiing available north of us.
Jack Hemby wrote a letter to the editor last week and I must admit that this man has earned my respect for his honor ability and determination. A long time racehorse trainer/owner what he doesn't know about the racing industry is, perhaps, not worth knowing.
From the onset I said that I was going to stay out of this and not voice an opinion, being homeless even as a victim of crime doesn't put you in a position where one can weather storms, but it's impossible to remain quiet when you see such brave souls stand up for what is right socially, politically and spiritually.
Yet I have some questions and no answers: Did the church group who recently had money embezzled REALLY renovate the jockey changing room, free of charge, for RD Hubbard & Allred in 2009? Do people truly understand that you cannot expect an entire county, 400 square miles in area, to be solely dependent upon gambling for the revenue to retain an adequate infrastructure? What happened to God in this equation? Does anyone claiming Christ truly believe that getting entangled with a philanderer and an abortionist is choosing the right path?
Yes, I know, because I am homeless it will be said that I am not in a position to speak up but speak up I certainly will do because failing to speak up will be dereliction of duty as a Child of God, and will leave others stood alone.
Last year I sat talking with a pastor about abortion and he told me that though he may not agree with it he certainly did not consider it murder because God didn't see human beings - made in His image - as human beings "until they were born."
I smiled at him but I was simply spitting nails in my heart.
We are truly in the latter days.
Posted: 11/23/2010 08:46:52 PM MST I want to remind the 49 percent of the Lincoln County taxpayers who voted against the GRT for R. D. Hubbard that the tax will start Jan. 1. This is a tax that should have never come up for a vote. I never thought in my lifetime that I would see taxpayers forced to pay a tax to support a rich man's casino. The Republican Party of Lincoln County cries about no more taxes and no more bailouts, but went against the grain and voted to give a rich casino owner a bailout paid for by the taxpayers of Lincoln County. Both of our political parties lie through their teeth to working Americans. I think a lot of the businesses in Ruidoso sold the people of Lincoln County down the river. I think it will come back to haunt a lot of them. The talk through the horse-men's grapevine is that racetrack management said they were going to do some work in the Turf Club, but they were not going to do anything on the backside of the racetrack, because trainers do not pay anything for their stalls. The next thing Hubbard will want is for the horsemen to pay $3 to $5 a day for each stall so he can rake in a few thousand dollars more a day. Since the GRT bill passed, I have only walked through the door of one business that supported the tax charade. I will continue boycotting business that has no regard for their customers and I hope you do the same. Jack Hemby Ruidoso Downs | ||