Yesterday and all through Sunday night I was so ill I don't even know what the weather was like, but I woke up this morning to...
....SNOW. Not a lot of snow but enough to have me grinding my teeth.
Yesterday afternoon I was carrying a 15 lb bag of sugar to the coffee maker, not noticing that the bag had a tear. When the entire bag ripped the bed and the cat litter box was full of.. sugar.
Both cats went to view their cat litter box fairly perplexed at why I would dump 8 lbs of sugar into it, and the dogs were equally perplexed at why the bed was covered in sugar.
Living in a shed has it's "moments." Besides the excruciating cold it's difficult having no place to hang clothes, or keep paperwork in order. To know where anything is. I can put something down and within a second I have no earthly idea where I put it. It's amazing how much you can miss somethings, like a fridge, range, somewhere to cook food. Wardrobes, chest of drawers, room to walk without having to climb over boxes and packed items.
A life worth living in livable conditions.
I'm not too sure how my boss has tolerated this because it's hard on me and I know that it's got to be hard on him. What was his "tool shed" became my "home" then became a storage unit when the backhoe woman demanded that I move my property - again. This time out of the 2 stall barn my boss had built prior to selling the land. He's worried that it's become a fire hazard and I wouldn't be able to get out if a fire started. He's right. I wouldn't.
The feed room is now full of appliances and building supplies, the tack room has my couch and chair and other stuff. The stalls have boxes & suitcases piled up.
The basement of the house looks like a Chinese laundry. After I was told to get my belongings out of the 2 stall barn the rains started and everything I own that was in the tool shed became submerged in water. Trying to salvage what I could I started emptying ruined boxes and it all went into the basement of the house.
It is organized chaos.
Having spend several years under water heavy mold set into the shed structure, but despite attempts by the insurance company to appraise the damage I can't find a way to move all the contents so that the damage to the walls can be appraised let alone repaired.
During the time period the 12th district was issuing subpoenas on a regular basis the Lincoln County Sheriff's department would serve me the subpoenas here at the shed, and you could see on their faces bewilderment. It's hard to explain how a thief can have his home protected and he can live like a civilized human being while the victims don't have such privilege.
So this morning I woke up to sugar inside and snow outside. More than once I have felt like a gypsy and I know that I frequently look like a gypsy, but the hardships just seem magnified during festive seasons like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
My truck had to go to the mechanics today so he can put a band aid on it and as Mike and I returned back to Alto I prayed to God that no more snow falls. But there must have been more people prayer FOR snow than praying that it would go away because by mid-day the temperature dropped into the 20's and ... snow fell..
Barometer n.: An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devils Dictionary