I woke up early this morning feeling as though someone had beat me black and blue during the night. Barely able to walk I went into my bosses house to clean the kitchen before I went to my property.
Once there I started shoveling soil in the barn. AGAIN.
There are times when simple explanations just can't cover the magnitude of what you are saying. The statement "we moved tons of soil" came to life today when Mike arrived to help John and I get the barn floor leveled.
As I started to shovel soil Mike yelled, "Stop that, you will kill yourself." Then he stood befuddled at so much dirt to move. He promptly got on the phone trying to find a bobcat or 4 wheeler with a shovel.
John just smiled and went back to doing the quick fix repairs on the roof of the trailer so it's more waterproof until the new roof is put on.
Mike, who is a 6ft, 215lb didn't seem to understand the fact that we had moved over 1,000 sq feet of soil by the time he arrived.. we felt that we were on the "home stretch" on a job that was simply overwhelming. It would have been overwhelming for 3 or 4 people let alone 2.
It was a 20 minute job with the right machinery.
John had left earlier this morning to pick his mare up. A mare that had been sent to a breeder. The mare hadn't been covered, and she had lost 200lbs in body weight, so I arrived with a bale of alfalfa for her. I felt awful for him, he so entrusted this person and it's an awful betrayal when you find out that loyalty isn't mutual. Especially when someone would neglect or harm a defenseless animal.
With the mare tied near the stock trailer eating hay, and a serious wind starting up right before noon, I asked John if we could finish up and come back when the weather wasn't turning nasty. To be honest both John and I were whipped. I knew that he had to drive to Colorado City, Texas with the mare and I didn't feel that it was fair to let him drive late into the evening.
Even though we worked less than 5 hours we seemed to get enough done to be pleased with the progress, and I was happy to leave the barn for Mike to finish. Let's see how quickly he can come up with a bobcat or backhoe.
I went back to work for another 4 hours but I have never been so happy to stop working for the evening. If I can't sleep tonight I never will. Once I do fall asleep I'm confident that I will want to sleep forever.
Prayerfully we will start again this coming week-end.
Everyone has a hobby or addiction that becomes "the time waster."
I don't care if it's athletic activity, or something as sedate as crossword puzzles - it's a stress re-leaser. Something that takes you away from everything burdening you.
For myself it's graphic design. If it's for business cards, brochures, advertisements, t-shirts, posters I can literally drown myself in design. I just love doing it. My mother simply prized her personalized stationary I would print up each year. She carried it everywhere.
Once upon a time it was a fairly lucrative field to be in, but today the computerized systems have reduced it to "mass international addiction." One day someone is going to come up with G.D.A (Graphic Design Anonymous) with a 12 step program to wean us from this shocking addiction. Until then when the world crumbles around me you will find me glued to the monitor at 2 am designing everything from Christmas Cards to T-Shirts for my grandchildren. Having graphics programs is like having crayons for big kids.
But by the time you have collected hundreds of files of personalized graphics you begin to wondering, "What do I do with this stuff NOW?"
There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect. - Ronald Reagan