John phoned around 9am to tell me that he wasn't going to be coming to Ruidoso today. He was going to check the tires on the welding trailer and be out next week to start putting the roof on the barn. I think he said that he was going to church in Texas but I must have been hearing things.. prayerfully not.
There was no reason for me to become depressed, but throughout the day I grew more and more sad. Maybe a combination of fighting a bad migraine, pain from the MHE and fighting the desire to DO something constructive.
Trying to put a second coat of paint on the tack boxes became unfruitful. It was like trying to paint with Elmers glue.
Even though the temperature seems to be the same as yesterday the wind chill is a whole different matter altogether. This was one very cold day. By 10 am I had tried everything possible to warm my freezing feet, and ended up putting them in hot water just to "thaw them out" - and kept repeating the process all day. This is the very first time I have been "that" cold yet the temperature outside should not have dropped below 45 degrees all day.
Plugging the truck in last night was a fiasco and a half. I finally found a way to reach the plug on my truck and plugged it into the electric extension. But when I plugged it into the power source in the shed it blew the circuit. The main box is in the garage attached to my bosses house.
I went and re-set the main, plugged it in again. And it blew the circuit. Back and forth I went through the house while my boss sat watching television with a perplexed look on his face. By the 5th time I simply unplugged the extension cord and pulled it towards the house, plugging it into the washing machine plug.
Problem solved. No more blown circuits.
On the bright side I found enough "finished" wooden floor to do the small kitchen nook and the kitchen in the trailer. I had somewhat worried about what to put on the floor. When you work with animals the area that gets the most traffic takes a lot of punishment, yet I needed something "classy" but long and hard wearing.
So I was just tickled pink to have found the perfect flooring for those area's, at a reasonable price..
Isn't there a country and western song about someone who put's together a truck one piece at a time? We seem to be doing one step better by trying to put a HOME together.... one piece at a time!
I LOVE to cook and I love to bake. For years I baked 3-4 cakes a week. Sometimes more. My kitchen has always been the place where the entire family gathered. In years gone by my youngest daughter and her husband could smell dinner being made from 7 miles down the road. It was a standing joke that we should set enough places because the very second we were ready to sit down to eat they would walk through the door.
I miss those days, I miss having my family in my home. It's been a real sad day.